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Unvaxxed returning to Singapore - jump through the hoops!



1. Pre-departure from foreign country

Do a remote supervised ART test with an approved Singapore clinic ($21)

2. Arrival in Singapore

Quarantine 7 days + compulsory PCR test ($125)
Exit your quarantine after 7 days or negative PCR test - whichever is the later

If you are flying off from Singapore to foreign country, it's the foreign country that determines the rules. For example, Vietnam is free for all; Thailand, pre-arrival supervised ART test.


What will happen if they leefuse to do or pay for the test ? Other cuntry also won't let them overstay and sg disallow entry become what status? Confisicate Shitizenship ? Doesn't make sense.
My uncle wouldn't want to pay if he is a unvac


What will happen if they leefuse to do or pay for the test ? Other cuntry also won't let them overstay and sg disallow entry become what status? Confisicate Shitizenship ? Doesn't make sense.
My uncle wouldn't want to pay if he is a unvac

If you are required to do a test by the foreign country, no test no entry. Easy.

If you are required to do a test by Singapore, no pre-departure test, cannot board flight back to Singapore. Arrival in Singapore, no PCR test, stay in quarantine.

All the tests, you pay first.

syed putra


1. Pre-departure from foreign country

Do a remote supervised ART test with an approved Singapore clinic ($21)

2. Arrival in Singapore

Quarantine 7 days + compulsory PCR test ($125)
Exit your quarantine after 7 days or negative PCR test - whichever is the later

If you are flying off from Singapore to foreign country, it's the foreign country that determines the rules. For example, Vietnam is free for all; Thailand, pre-arrival supervised ART test.


If you are required to do a test by the foreign country, no test no entry. Easy.

If you are required to do a test by Singapore, no pre-departure test, cannot board flight back to Singapore. Arrival in Singapore, no PCR test, stay in quarantine.

All the tests, you pay first.
That's why my uncle asked cannot come back sg means pap wants you to become non shitizen ?
What pay 1st can claim back later ?
Also this means pap think unvac easier to infect other people and/or get infected?
My uncle thought pap said unvac means will get more severe if kana covid. They never said unvac is easier to get infected or infect others correct ?


Alfrescian (Inf)

1. Pre-departure from foreign country

Do a remote supervised ART test with an approved Singapore clinic ($21)

2. Arrival in Singapore

Quarantine 7 days + compulsory PCR test ($125)
Exit your quarantine after 7 days or negative PCR test - whichever is the later

If you are flying off from Singapore to foreign country, it's the foreign country that determines the rules. For example, Vietnam is free for all; Thailand, pre-arrival supervised ART test.

Still maintaining the narrative that the vaxxed ones are 'cleaner' or 'safer'.

And great opportunity to rob some money for your fraudulent tests.

Only fools want this. :rolleyes:



Not sure if the previous requirement for quarantine still applies.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Also this means pap think unvac easier to infect other people and/or get infected?
My uncle thought pap said unvac means will get more severe if kana covid. They never said unvac is easier to get infected or infect others correct ?

No need to think so complicated.

This is the prototype version of the infamous social credit score.

It will be extended to things beyond your 'vaccination status', if people refuse to wake up.

For what it's worth, many vaxtards I know are falling sick now and they got their magical two lines. Carry on gaslighting the people, the reckoning will come. :whistling:


Doctor Anywhere is an approved ART provider in Singapore, especially for remotely supervised ART. Apparently, all you need is download the Dr Anywhere app.

View attachment 154728
My uncle colleague felt unwell tested art himself +ve went to clinic and tested -ve becas clinic staffs did not poked deep enough. Like this still dare to charge and vet by leemote supervised art ? Who supervising who now ?
Soon par with dying of covid if my uncle lied.


My uncle colleague felt unwell tested art himself +ve went to clinic and tested -ve becas clinic staffs did not poked deep enough. Like this still dare to charge and vet by leemote supervised art ? Who supervising who now ?
Soon par with dying of covid if my uncle lied.
The Dr or Nurse will beo you via the App to make sure that you are doing it right. The Dr or Nurse will supervise you; you beo her.



No need to think so complicated.

This is the prototype version of the infamous social credit score.

It will be extended to things beyond your 'vaccination status', if people refuse to wake up.

For what it's worth, many vaxtards I know are falling sick now and they got their magical two lines. Carry on gaslighting the people, the reckoning will come. :whistling:
Like this and no oppies mp say anything?
If they let my uncle be present in parliament or infront of a huge crowd they gonna become a puppy.


My uncle colleague felt unwell tested art himself +ve went to clinic and tested -ve becas clinic staffs did not poked deep enough. Like this still dare to charge and vet by leemote supervised art ? Who supervising who now ?
Soon par with dying of covid if my uncle lied.

Like this and no oppies mp say anything?
If they let my uncle be present in parliament or infront of a huge crowd they gonna become a puppy.
Infront of the huge crowd my uncle would even state the clinic and staff names and ask pap mps prefebalee oyk who supervising who.
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Infront of the huge crowd my uncle would even state the clinic and staff names and ask pap mps prefebalee oyk who supervising who.
My uncle would like to invite oyk and lw for a 1 to 1 session and also asked lw why he cordoned off areas to let sinkies squeeze for safe distancing during the 2020 lockdown period. This mystery need to be answered.


My uncle would like to invite oyk and lw for a 1 to 1 session and also asked lw why he cordoned off areas to let sinkies squeeze for safe distancing during the 2020 lockdown period. This mystery need to be answered.
The 1 to 1 is gonna be verlee detailed probed.
Eg my uncle will draw a diagram of foodcourt or shopping centers walkways.
Table A seat 1 for sitting. Seat 2 crossed means not allowed. So they forced my uncle to sit in Table B seat 1 which is nearer to the Table A seat 1 . Lw will need to explain this.


Like this and no oppies mp say anything?
If they let my uncle be present in parliament or infront of a huge crowd they gonna become a puppy.
Give your uncle $16,000 per month part-time job, can tok ka juay at Parliament. Your uncle will diam diam. Not enough ? Give you $600,000 per year job as Mayor. Still want to kpkb ? :rolleyes:

If your uncle wears a Casio G-shock now, with $16,000 he can upgrade to Rolex; with $600,000 he can upgrade to Patek Philippe. The more you feed the ego, the more the ego will neutralize your sense of righteousness.


Give your uncle $16,000 per month part-time job, can tok ka juay at Parliament. Your uncle will diam diam. Not enough ? Give you $600,000 per year job as Mayor. Still want to kpkb ? :rolleyes:

If your uncle wears a Casio G-shock now, with $16,000 he can upgrade to Rolex; with $600,000 he can upgrade to Patek Philippe. The more you feed the ego, the more the ego will neutralize your sense of righteousness.
Yes onlee my uncle salary 3.5k will dare to ask and the leesult gonna be a puppy running away.