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Unusual Taiwan Court Martial Verdict - BG spy for PRC ultra seriously escaped DP


Verdict is out today = Life Sentence for Taiwanese BG from highest military command's communication secret division. Everyone was expecting the most certain death sentence. He got charged for selling Top Secret Military Communication Data, including deployments of combat command and control fibre networks and encryption info to Beijing.:*::eek:

The strategic info is so significant that ROC military defence command network can be effectively targeted by single round of precision missile 1st strike, everything including radar & command control will be crippled at the very beginning of any conflict. Actually, before even missile strikes, cyber hack alone can instantly assure upper-hand with this kind of intel.


Court martial is surprisingly kind. The reason given is the accused is VERY COOPERATIVE.

5 charges pleaded guilty, 15 years sentences each, sentence run consecutively. Can still be appealed within the next 10 days. Good deal? I think Taiwanese patriotic people will sure protest.:p



態度配合 共諜羅賢哲逃過死罪 一審判無期
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/07/25 15:27</q>
Last edited:


He didn't just sell the info right?
Apparently, he was seduced by a prc mei mei.


He didn't just sell the info right?
Apparently, he was seduced by a prc mei mei.

Got several spy cases to confuse me, unsure.:*:

Got a case of Spy-Spy Double Agent deals, I think unrelated to this. That case one spy from Taiwan to PRC was caught by PRC, surrendered and submitted to PRC spy master. Then made to recruit spies in Taiwanese military to sell intel to PRC. This is 007 counter-intel story type. I am unsure if the BG was one of those recruited in this spy-ring.:eek: Mixing up?


Got several spy cases to confuse me, unsure.:*:

Got a case of Spy-Spy Double Agent deals, I think unrelated to this. That case one spy from Taiwan to PRC was caught by PRC, surrendered and submitted to PRC spy master. Then made to recruit spies in Taiwanese military to sell intel to PRC. This is 007 counter-intel story type. I am unsure if the BG was one of those recruited in this spy-ring.:eek: Mixing up?

It's the same guy, recognised the pic.
Based on the talkshow discussions, he was approached by a prc beauty when he was stationed in a high post in another country. Could be Thailand or USA.
They had an affair for a few years, then finally she revealed who she was and blackmailed him with the affair and also bribed him with money. Due to greed and lust, he agreed to betray his country.


It's the same guy, recognised the pic.
Based on the talkshow discussions, he was approached by a prc beauty when he was stationed in a high post in another country. Could be Thailand or USA.
They had an affair for a few years, then finally she revealed who she was and blackmailed him with the affair and also bribed him with money. Due to greed and lust, he agreed to betray his country.

Welcome to spy world!

CIA KGB MI5 PRC Taiwan Mozart.... what else? ISD? MSK? WKS? :biggrin::eek::*: