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Underage Smoking


Super Moderator
... Please comment ...

my humble 2 cts...

to ban ciggies altogether, the Govt. risks offending the smokers and the tobacco giants, and hurting their own pockets as dingding75 mentioned. as you can see, the Govt. takes SGD$76.00 per carton of ciggies. each carton containing 10 packs of 20 sticks each.

placing a fine of SGD$5K on the stall owners for illegal sales of ciggies to minors simply doesn't quite work well on the whole, since i noted some of these minors gets someone of legal age to purchase the ciggies for them.

so what to do? they pass laws to curb the sales of "parallel imports", who would enforce the laws and for how long? let's be honest about this. how long have chewing gums been banned and why do we still see folks chewing gum all around?

all these hooha is just nothing short of an excuse to raise the prices of ciggies, and yes, to increase their revenue. still don't see the light? ERP will continue to rise and the jams will be there to stay. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just ban smoking/cigarettes in Spore like chewing gum.

Chewing gum only caused MRT disruptions but smoking causes cancer amongst other things. So why is the corrective action by the govt not in proportion to the severity of the problem? Why are cigarettes not banned yet?

ciggs can be tax by govt wheras gum cannot tax. as long ciggs continue to top up the coffers, will never be ban.


ciggs can be tax by govt wheras gum cannot tax. as long ciggs continue to top up the coffers, will never be ban.

The opposition must champion the no-smoking cause. This will be a niche for him/her espcially to fight for the right of the citizens to breathe fresh air. This is the basic of all basic needs - fresh air. So why isn't any of them fighting for the right to breathe fresh air?


Fining the parents and publishing their names and faces in the newspapers is a fine idea.

There's only one problem with this. Supposing those charged with this task actually carry out their role to the best they can, then I'd safely aver that an embarassing proportion of those published will come from "Elite" grouping. Is this what the larger society wants to see 'bout who's setting a social example ?

But I still I agree that it is a fine idea.



I have seen some underage seek help from their older friend to buy ciggs. So napping their friend who shared those ciggs may find some help.


This is a problem in every society.

Live with it. :smile:

On the other hand, for a total ban on cigs is impossible. It is the main driving force for the US FTA, and also the biggest source of tax for the gahmen.

You think pee and pee is willing to forgo the FTA and the TAX??? :cool:


Recently, I've seen a lot of underage smoker (in school uniform) smoking under void decks and kopi shop.

What are the relevent authority doing? Are they not suppose to nab those youngsters, to prevent them from picking up smoking?
Please comment.

If your sister goes out with an Indian or Bangladeshi work permit holder, would you ask what the gahment is doing? Do you still blame the gahment? Would you blame their school or teachers?

You should ask what are their parents doing! They are the children of parents - not gahment. It's the parents first basic responsibility to look after their kids - to ensure that they teach them right values and right civic-minded behaviours.

The police can't be everywhere. The parents can't be everywhere. Teach them the right value, give them sufficient pocket money.

And finally, what did you do? Did you call the police? They and the kids parents will be very grateful to you. Better still, if you are really that concerned, go to them and get their particulars - or snap a picture - and send it to their schools. That's what I did!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Blame their parents give too much pocket money and never really have time together to have a nice conversation like friend/buddy talk.


All these youngsters need is an older person to buy cigs for them. I am a non smoker but sometimes when I am having dinner at the coffeeshop in Yishun a bunch of mat students will come up to me and ask nicely if I can buy cigs for them. Usually I don't bother too much I just shout out to the copi sho " Marblo lite jit pow ". She will put 1 pack of cigs on the table and take the $ from the table. After she walks away the mat students will take the pack thank me and walk away no problem at all.


All these youngsters need is an older person to buy cigs for them. I am a non smoker but sometimes when I am having dinner at the coffeeshop in Yishun a bunch of mat students will come up to me and ask nicely if I can buy cigs for them. Usually I don't bother too much I just shout out to the copi sho " Marblo lite jit pow ". She will put 1 pack of cigs on the table and take the $ from the table. After she walks away the mat students will take the pack thank me and walk away no problem at all.

O.o u will buy cigs for those youngsters...


All these youngsters need is an older person to buy cigs for them. I am a non smoker but sometimes when I am having dinner at the coffeeshop in Yishun a bunch of mat students will come up to me and ask nicely if I can buy cigs for them. Usually I don't bother too much I just shout out to the copi sho " Marblo lite jit pow ". She will put 1 pack of cigs on the table and take the $ from the table. After she walks away the mat students will take the pack thank me and walk away no problem at all.

Bud, I know that if they DON'T get it thru you, they will get it thru someone else. I don't see underage smoking as a big deal - there are more dire social problems than teenage smoking.

But, I am writing this message to you because - in doing what you have done, you are abetting a crime. Which is no different from committing a crime. Ask, what's in it for you? Also, if I am a parent of a fifteen yr old, and I come to know that you bought ciggies for my kid, YOU become a scapegoat for MY lack of supervision. I think it is not a wise, or even "cool" thing to do. These kids will know where to find Ecstacy if they have the $$$, let alone cigarettes. There are ppl watching, believe me.



Alfrescian (Inf)
All these youngsters need is an older person to buy cigs for them. I am a non smoker but sometimes when I am having dinner at the coffeeshop in Yishun a bunch of mat students will come up to me and ask nicely if I can buy cigs for them. Usually I don't bother too much I just shout out to the copi sho " Marblo lite jit pow ". She will put 1 pack of cigs on the table and take the $ from the table. After she walks away the mat students will take the pack thank me and walk away no problem at all.

Agree me too have been buying to underage few times. If you not buying for them, they will be touting the area until someone willing to buy for them.


All these youngsters need is an older person to buy cigs for them. I am a non smoker but sometimes when I am having dinner at the coffeeshop in Yishun a bunch of mat students will come up to me and ask nicely if I can buy cigs for them. Usually I don't bother too much I just shout out to the copi sho " Marblo lite jit pow ". She will put 1 pack of cigs on the table and take the $ from the table. After she walks away the mat students will take the pack thank me and walk away no problem at all.

the ah soh got give you comission or not? otherwise y you bother to take the risk?


Guys, I did my sums. If the money I've spent smoking away into thin air had instead been channelled into paying for a 4 room flat in the early 80's, it have been fully paid up one and a half times over. Smoke on that!


Usually I don't get anything from these youngsters and the shop that sells them the cigs. These students are mostly from around the neighbourhood and they know me. They want to get the smokes and if I don't help them someother person will. Worse still if they can't get the smokes they might end up with some of the assholes ah bengs that hand around in coffeeshops selling weeds and other junk drugs. Now these are the people that I am wondering why the jiat liao bees in blue don't do something and just close 1 eye.:confused: Don't think of me as doing something bad but me taking the path of lesser evil:o