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Ugly slut complain men looking at her breasts wrapped in sports bra


Alfrescian (Inf)
These toxic feminazis almost always have had a bad relationship with their father.

Either no father, or the father was abusive, emotionally unavailable etc.

Talk to them and do a little digging. You will realize that I speak the truth. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
she shud b happy dat got uncle notis her ... she shud take dat as a complimen ...


Gansiokbin also feel unsafe bathing in her mum home at sengkang at 4am .
She felt like someone is secretly taking her video .
Gansiokbin ownself said one hor.


Gansiokbin also feel unsafe bathing in her mum home at sengkang at 4am .
She felt like someone is secretly taking her video .
Gansiokbin ownself said one hor.
She's right. I have a copy of her video.
She has quite a bush. 毛多洞大。


Gansiokbin also feel unsafe bathing in her mum home at sengkang at 4am .
She felt like someone is secretly taking her video .
Gansiokbin ownself said one hor.
Selamat 7the moons festival raya

Good Abangs are always looking out for u