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Ugly bastards with full cycling gear q for Lor-mee in the morning


his “lycra” attire cheap cheap. looks like polo shirt from a pap community event. and he’s wearing loose shorts not tights. plus his shoes are no name sneakers. only his helmet is over $10. most likely only $16.9 from chinatown.
Got blessed by Holy Grrassroad Leeder...will be soon soon li li de woh

Scrooball (clone)

Don’t just say the uncle auntie baby boomers, I’ve seen a ridiculous number of fat ppl wearing some tough ass hard brand such as Underarmor. I was like… the only armor u need is the one for your mouth to stop u from eating more food.


Do u agree what they should not wear dull cycling gear ?
Cycling gear is for ALL, fat or thin, handsome or ugly, young or old.

Cycling gear is NOT meant for beauty pageants, but are for PERSONAL SAFETY.

Every part of the Human body is important. However, should one fall down while cycling & injured his arm, the bones & skin tissues can mend with medical help over time.

However, should one not wear the cycling helmut & falls down, the harm done to the head is serious & may literally lose one's mind forever, such as amnesia.

Thus do encourage everyone to wear cycling gear for personal safety's sake.


Don’t just say the uncle auntie baby boomers, I’ve seen a ridiculous number of fat ppl wearing some tough ass hard brand such as Underarmor. I was like… the only armor u need is the one for your mouth to stop u from eating more food.
Dun jealous we fat people can be riche uncle wear under armour every day different colour no problem. :rolleyes:

Byebye Penis

Dun jealous we fat people can be riche uncle wear under armour every day different colour no problem. :rolleyes:
ya lor, got belly then cute hokay!
