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[h=1]Man: MRT staff lack compassion[/h]
Lianhe Wanbao - 1 hr 48 mins ago
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A man is criticising SMRT staff for refusing to lend his son 20 cents to get home.
Mr Chen's ten-year-old son had attended an extra-curricular activity on 5 October and had tried to take the MRT home from Newton to Yishun at about 8pm in the evening.
The boy discovered he was unable to pass through the MRT gantry gates as his ez-link card contained less than $3 in value.
The boy tried to top up his ez-link card with the $2 he had but found that he could not as the minimum top up amount seems to be $5.
Mr Chen (hypno-therapist) explained, "My son tried to ask the station staff for help and they asked him to buy a $2.20 single trip ticket. But he was short of 20 cents and could not do so."
At a loss of what to do, the boy called his father for help.
"My son was panicking over the phone, but I was on a working trip in Malaysia, and my wife was in a meeting at the time."
Mr Chen asked his son to borrow 20 cents from the station staff to get home, but the boy only managed to do so with great difficulty.
Mr Chen explained that the station staff had reminded his son many times to "remember to return the money".
He feels that the MRT staff could do better as they seem to lack the compassion to help a little boy get home.
"My son no longer dares to come home himself and panicks when there is less than $5 value left in his ez-link card," said Mr Chen.
SMRT is investigating the incident.
Source: Lianhe Wanbao, 6 November 2011. Click here for the Chinese report.
Lianhe Wanbao - 1 hr 48 mins ago
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A man is criticising SMRT staff for refusing to lend his son 20 cents to get home.
Mr Chen's ten-year-old son had attended an extra-curricular activity on 5 October and had tried to take the MRT home from Newton to Yishun at about 8pm in the evening.
The boy discovered he was unable to pass through the MRT gantry gates as his ez-link card contained less than $3 in value.
The boy tried to top up his ez-link card with the $2 he had but found that he could not as the minimum top up amount seems to be $5.
Mr Chen (hypno-therapist) explained, "My son tried to ask the station staff for help and they asked him to buy a $2.20 single trip ticket. But he was short of 20 cents and could not do so."
At a loss of what to do, the boy called his father for help.
"My son was panicking over the phone, but I was on a working trip in Malaysia, and my wife was in a meeting at the time."
Mr Chen asked his son to borrow 20 cents from the station staff to get home, but the boy only managed to do so with great difficulty.
Mr Chen explained that the station staff had reminded his son many times to "remember to return the money".
He feels that the MRT staff could do better as they seem to lack the compassion to help a little boy get home.
"My son no longer dares to come home himself and panicks when there is less than $5 value left in his ez-link card," said Mr Chen.
SMRT is investigating the incident.
Source: Lianhe Wanbao, 6 November 2011. Click here for the Chinese report.