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Turthspeaker is always right...Moi is wrong. Murika is kowtow to Tiongkok to hitch a ride to the Moon, kym?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Angmorica should focus on science and engineering again. NASA used to be run by their best and brightest minds. Nowadays their space program are forced to diversity hire transvestites and niggers to be politically correct.


Many many thanks to Bidenomic + wokeism
Angmorica should focus on science and engineering again. NASA used to be run by their best and brightest minds. Nowadays their space program are forced to diversity hire transvestites and niggers to be politically correct.


Good Job...like that even Empreor Xi idle idle next 20yrs....murika will continue to rot and decay

Murika civil war may not be so far fetch after all...in 15-20yrs time

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Not many people know of this saga that happened on the International Space Station in 2018 and it highlights how fucked up the US space program has become...

In 2018 (when US-Russian relations was still good), Russian cosmonauts discovered a pressure leak on the aging ISS which they immediately repaired. After investigation, they found a hole drilled by a US female astronaut crew on the craft.


The only NASA astronaut onboard was Serena Chancellor. And back then, was hailed as a hero for serving the longest mission in space. The drilled hole was at the American segment of the space station. This legal case filed by Russian space agency is still pending at the international court.

There's a lot talk about why she wanted to endanger the spacecraft and crew. Some say she had a meltdown after the female toilet malfunctioned. There's also a story about her getting upset with her boyfriend and wanted to go home earlier.