Ho Jinx is the biggest squanderer of our national reserves. The money would have been better creating jobs for low income people or to give them handouts. 4.6 billion could have been used to help out 1 million low income people for a couple of months.
Recently went for coffee with a old friend and he told me his sister is working in the government sector and said that recently an opening position for Admin Assistant in her dept and there were about over 150 people applied for that position.
Can you believe it? 150 people!!!
I believed many more Singaporeans will loses their jobs and many more are having a hard time looking for a new one.
Humans are greedy, the more power and authority you have, the more greedy you become. Take a look at LKY, LHL and Ho Ching.
They are rich and powerful and yet they are very greedy. They think that by investing our Singapore reserves and they can make 2 to 3 times more profit for Singapore. But their investment went wrong and loses USD$4 billion dollars. Frankly speaking they should have used this money to helped the local and soon to be jobless or jobless Singaporeans but the PAP never do it.
I remember during the economic crisis year 2001, Chiam See Tong asked the PAP to release a portion of the Singapore reserve to help the Singaporeans to tide over this economic crisis hardship, but did you know what SM Goh says?
SM Goh Chok Tong said," our opposition wanted to cut open our golden goose(Singapore Reserve), and removed the golden eggs out from the stomach of the golden goose. We should not do that, we should let our golden goose to lay her eggs slowly and steadily."
I still remembers every words SM Goh said that day. But now, our Temasek throws our golden eggs any how into the markets and loses even more billions of dollars. Which means the golden eggs if it needs to help Singaporeans, it must be careful and not anyhow use them, but if the golden eggs is used for investments, the golden eggs can anyhow throw into the markets and even loses big money also nevermind is it?
Is there any accountability for this investments? Which means the golden eggs is rather to be used to do investments and loses billion of dollars from it then using this billions of dollars to help local Singaporeans?
What makes my blood boiled is that, they even used the golden eggs to give free scholarships to China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries students than giving them to local Singaporeans who wanted to study but have no money for it.
Now another thing that will even make my blood boiled again is that now the Temasek(cum PAP) has loses billions of dollars of investments, and how are they going to recoup back the investments loses in Singapore reserve?
The PAP will definitely increases income taxes, GST, transportation fees, cigarettes taxes, alcohol taxes, HDB taxes, and any kind of taxes that they can think of to apply on us Singaporeans to recoup the loses they made.
And this is what really piss me off everytime when I think of it.