Must creating wealth be only equated to happiness? Are there not other purposes? Like the ability to help others with the gains that one has aka Gates' n Buffet's billions given away to charity?
Your abject failure in utilizing n maintaining your wealth, plus the lousy condescending social circle you kept with has permanently casted a tainted view that being wealthy does not make one happy. Or that the rich are perpetually conceited. Instead the poorer one is, the happier one should be.
If you insist on believing this antiquated ideal, keep it to yourself. I am just sad that you have not seen the many rich I know who are happy, humble, and always willing to help your kind.
Being poor in Singapore is a big inconvenience. It does not make one happy thinking how the next bill is to be paid, nor thinking how to feed the family. It creates stress and anxiety. And our fucking government is not much help, instead aggravating the situation.
Advocate the deracination of poverty instead.
So you are rich and feeling defensive? Have you met rich people when you are poor? It's easier for the haves to defend their own. Wait till you are poor and have to deal with rich people who
THINK that you are poorer than them.
THINK may not be the real thing ya know. You could actually have millions stashed away, as long as you act like you don't have money among people who do, that's when you will know what rich people think of poor people.
That's how screwed up our world is.
Sure, the poor are unhappy and have a harder time dealing with life. They just don't need another
kick like when rich people think lowly of them.
Come on, how many
PERCENTAGE of rich people are truly nice? How come NONE of the rich or elite actually defended themselves after Wee Shu Min said what she said?
Because they feel guilty. Because they feel the same but she said their thoughts out loud. Because they are afraid of being castigated by public opinion.
No white person would say they won't vote for Obama because he's black.
Know what Downgrader is saying?
He's telling the rich people -- "Here's life giving you a kick in your (investment banking) balls because you thought you were so smart making all those millions, you won't be able to lose billions.
FYI, I'm not against rich or poor. I'm just trying to help Downgrader get his point across.
If you think rich people are so great and so nice,
NAME US NAMES & GOOD DEEDS. Don't tell us about Gates or Buffet because they're American.
Tell us what the rich did for the poorer besides trying to rob them of their life savings through selling them shitty investment products, bringing down the economy by losing billions through the big banks.
Know what kind of expense accounts those Relationship Managers who sold those Ah Mahs & Ah Gongs their Lehman Minibonds have?
You think they go home to cramped little flats with no food to eat? You think they care that some old folk lost his life savings? Did you hear a single RM feel sorry or guilty when the crisis? They are more worried about their jobs than what shit they brought into people's lives. They said they didn't know that Lehman will collapse.
And they aren't even the elite or rich. Just some bunch of smarty pants Uni grads who call themselves "bankers".
You think a rich guy would be the hero in Nicole Highway collapse? The CEO would ask his workers to leave first as the tunnel was collapsing? Or was it the foreman who lived in a small flat who left behind a grieving widow and two young sons?
Over to you.