Unless a very unusual POTUS comes along, I disagree with your assessment. Very unlikely that USA will take the initiative to break Taiwan away from China's clutches.
However if China ever decides to put their words into action and attack Taiwan, USA may help to defend, not just to act as the superpower of the world, but also to take China down a peg if possible.
But the chances that China will attack Taiwan are also very small.
Firstly, they are full of rhetoric and posturing, especially where it comes to their military.
Secondly, they do not want to suffer consequences, including negative economic impact.
Thirdly, they are very concerned about their image to the rest of the world (like PAP)
And lastly, whatever you think about their differences, there is a large portion of China which still has a lot of fondness and affinity for Taiwan. (and vice versa) This could even be the most important reason of all.