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Serious Trump to Puerto Rico FUCK OFF!


Chinks are no better.

Chinkland today is the world's leading manufacturer and exporter of meth. Lots of good pinoys and m&ds are becoming useless addicts thanks to chinkland. We need the Brits to send a fleet to bombard Canton and Tianjin again to teach the chinks a lesson. Maybe send an expeditionary force to burn down yet another imperial chink garden or two in Peking. Our SAF can join the 8-nation alliance for this grand righteous mission.
But Pinky loves Chinks


Chinks are no better.

Chinkland today is the world's leading manufacturer and exporter of meth. Lots of good pinoys and m&ds are becoming useless addicts thanks to chinkland. We need the Brits to send a fleet to bombard Canton and Tianjin again to teach the chinks a lesson. Maybe send an expeditionary force to burn down yet another imperial chink garden or two in Peking. Our SAF can join the 8-nation alliance for this grand righteous mission.

Angmoh supply the ingredients China only provide labors.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chinks are no better.

Chinkland today is the world's leading manufacturer and exporter of meth. Lots of good pinoys and m&ds are becoming useless addicts thanks to chinkland. We need the Brits to send a fleet to bombard Canton and Tianjin again to teach the chinks a lesson. Maybe send an expeditionary force to burn down yet another imperial chink garden or two in Peking. Our SAF can join the 8-nation alliance for this grand righteous mission.

Absolutely agree with JohnTan!