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Serious Trump to Puerto Rico FUCK OFF!


Frankly speaking, they should be glad that US mainland is giving any form of aid. With decades of mismanagement, any decent politician will cut this parasitic piece of island off to prevent any more mooching off.

After that, Puerto Rico will probably demand to join the US. And I say Trump should set harsh conditions for PR if they wish to join.


Frankly speaking, they should be glad that US mainland is giving any form of aid. With decades of mismanagement, any decent politician will cut this parasitic piece of island off to prevent any more mooching off.

After that, Puerto Rico will probably demand to join the US. And I say Trump should set harsh conditions for PR if they wish to join.

Trump should Carpet bomb the island and finish off the action the Hurricane missed.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Puerto Rico's mayor BEGGING Trump for help. She is on her bended knees, offering to suck his dick. This is what happens to any country not run by PAP or according to PAP style leadership.

Puerto Rico is also an island, but no need to devote any resources to defence and NS. It's civil service and politicians are poorly paid as demanded by oppies. Yet, the country/protectorate is so broke and has no money for anything.

This is why San Juan’s mayor, Carmen Yulín Cruz, has desperately tried to draw more urgency to the crisis. “This is a ‘people are dying’ story,” she told CNN on Friday morning, adding, “not a good news story.”

“I will do what I never thought I was going to do,” Cruz said in a press conference on Friday afternoon. “I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency.”



Puerto Rico's mayor BEGGING Trump for help. She is on her bended knees, offering to suck his dick. This is what happens to any country not run by PAP or according to PAP style leadership.

Puerto Rico is also an island, but no need to devote any resources to defence and NS. It's civil service and politicians are poorly paid as demanded by oppies. Yet, the country/protectorate is so broke and has no money for anything.

then go and help you bastard.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
fuck your grassroots. May they burn in hell.

My grassroots leaders provide a lot of activities for our residents and voters. They play a key role in ensuring that local residents vote for their local grassroots advisor and for the government of the day.

Setting up a grassroots organization linked to the government of the day should be common sense for any mainstream political party. Yet it is either not done or done flippantly in matured democracies, ensuring a revolving door government which is now responsible for the decline of most western european countries.


My grassroots leaders provide a lot of activities for our residents and voters. They play a key role in ensuring that local residents vote for their local grassroots advisor and for the government of the day.

Setting up a grassroots organization linked to the government of the day should be common sense for any mainstream political party. Yet it is either not done or done flippantly in matured democracies, ensuring a revolving door government which is now responsible for the decline of most western european countries.
They should be tortured


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
These Puerto Rican's are nothing but trouble. The US should disassociate itself from this Island full of scum.

They have their own flag and contribute nothing to the mainland yet demand financial aid at a whim and all because this Island of losers are far too dumb to do anything remotely productive for themselves.

I say fuck them! Let them rot.


Frankly speaking, they should be glad that US mainland is giving any form of aid. With decades of mismanagement, any decent politician will cut this parasitic piece of island off to prevent any more mooching off.

After that, Puerto Rico will probably demand to join the US. And I say Trump should set harsh conditions for PR if they wish to join.

This islander, non white, are made to be poor nations. Angmoh US will never make non- white people rich and same level.

Whites were brainwashed to be super race. And in order to be super race non whites are made inferior race to them.

Fuck the batard US white BE pommies.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This islander, non white, are made to be poor nations. Angmoh US will never make non- white people rich and same level.

Whites were brainwashed to be super race. And in order to be super race non whites are made inferior race to them.

Fuck the batard US white BE pommies.

Chinks are no better.

Chinkland today is the world's leading manufacturer and exporter of meth. Lots of good pinoys and m&ds are becoming useless addicts thanks to chinkland. We need the Brits to send a fleet to bombard Canton and Tianjin again to teach the chinks a lesson. Maybe send an expeditionary force to burn down yet another imperial chink garden or two in Peking. Our SAF can join the 8-nation alliance for this grand righteous mission.