Just to be clear in case people do not know or have forgotten, it was the Electoral College that voted in the new President. Clinton had the majority head count votes but that was not the deciding factor for the end outcome.
One of Franklin Roosevelt’s famous quote was “Presidents are selected and not elected”. One needs to seriously ponder deeply into this quote.
The fact was Trump came into the election fray right from the beginning, saying whatever he wanted to say; regardless it didn’t make any sense. The media gave him shit loads of free airtime. If the media was “hard on him” he just brushed it off saying the media/everyone was against him. Clinton and Trump both created friction and animosity at all levels of the US society be it on race, religion, jobs, Mexico borders, immigrants etc. It was planned from day one to divide, conquer and create FEAR (something the balless sporeans only know too well).
IMHO, Trump is much as part of the establishment as Obama, Clinton and the Bushes. What unfolded last week on tv was only a new loud mouth puppet for the hidden hand to control. Hidden hand/Puppet Master/Elites remains in charge as always. When things don’t go smooth, the Elites use their attack pit-bull (Soros) to bring down wayward countries and attack poodle (Gloria Allred) to character assassinate. Accept it.
Don’t get me wrong. Trump may do some good things for America (especially the rednecks). But anyone who understands the global economy (read: New World Order) as it stands will know that the Elite Bankers are the real puppet Masters. They control the world’s economy, gold, central banks, corporations etc. They also fund and control wars (on both sides) around the world. In short...they eat your ass for breakfast.
In the best case scenario...if Trump is the real deal for real change, do you really think the Elites will stand around to see change in the status quo? Just ask JFK...