any idea whether this project is worth it since its like closest to RTS??
Bukit Chagar chosen as final transit terminal
By SIM BAK HENG - 20 September 2014 @ 8:06 AM
JOHOR BARU: JOHOR has decided that the terminating station or last stop for the Rapid Transit System (RTS) from Singapore to be located at Bukit Chagar here.
The site, where the former Bukit Chagar flats were located, was deemed to be the top choice of the public from a list of four preferred locations polled during the Iskandar Malaysia Comprehensive Development Plan Open Day in September last year.
The other three candidates were
Tanjung Puteri, JB Sentral 1 and JB Sentral 2.
The Bukit Chagar RTS Terminal will have its own Customs and Immigration clearance facilities and will not be sharing with existing facilities at the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) complex at the Sultan Iskandar Building (SIB).
Speaking to the New Straits Times here, state Public Works, Rural and Regional Development Committee chairman Datuk Hasni Mohammad said Johor had only a single proposal as to the location of the RTS terminal.
“It is now up to Singapore to list their choice as there is still no indication as to the final alignment of the RTS from a total of three options.
“I don’t know why the
republic is holding back,
knowing that the project will
benefit travellers from both sides
of the causeway.”
Singapore’s options of RTS alignment are to build it parallel to the causeway and above the ground; parallel to the causeway and underground; or diagonally opposite the causeway.
Whichever alignment is chosen, it is understood that the RTS from
Singapore is an extension of the republic’s Thomson Line which will have its northern most station to be located at Woodlands North.
In other words, once the 43km line is constructed, it will be linked directly to the Bukit Chagar RTS Terminal.
Meanwhile, Hasni said the location of the Bukit Chagar RTS Terminal would make the function of the CIQ Complex at the SIB more comprehensive.
This, he said, was because the terminal would be linked to the SIB.
“The site was chosen after many discussions and debates on its
long-term economic and social considerations.
“Moreover, the location has also turned out to be the most popular choice of the people during the poll.
“Land acquisition for the RTS project in Johor Baru has been completed and rail alignment at the Johor Baru side has also been decided.
“I believe Singapore will announce their alignment soon.”