If you have spoken to the staff at the PM office after 2007 election win, you will know that Julia Gillard is the lesser of 2 evils.
If you want to compare, Kevin Rudd may even be worse than Lee Kuan Yew, in that he is a workplace psychopath.
Psychological tendencies of workplace psychopaths identified by Clarke are that they are superficially charming, have a grandiose sense of self-worth, a need for excitement and are pathological liars. They also have an absolute lack of remorse, a lack of guilt for what they do and are parasites who live off other people and take credit for other peoples work.
Workplace psychopaths are initially valued in their organizations because they attain success at any cost but over time they damage the organization because they over-promise and cannot deliver.
Workplace psychopaths have a devastating affect on organizations and co-workers.
Kevin Rudd has demonstrated many of the characteristics outlined by Clarke.
Some are the manner he dealt with Scores night club, his portrayal of his ‘homeless’ childhood, his description of himself as an economic conservative a socialist and a social democrat, his description of himself as a Christian socialist, his constant big-noting and blabbering, his treatment of department heads making some wait all day without meeting them, the turnover of staff in his office, the 20/20 talkfest was an overt attempt to take credit for other peoples work.