This happens all over the world. That is how Intelligence agencies operate. They can't be effective without informants and they will try every means to gather information. Universities are usally where such issues crop up as it happened with the Fajar lot, the Tan Wah Piow / Juliet Chin affair, the Kevin de Souza matter, the Hussin Mutalib, Bilveer Singh, Chris Lingle, the democracy wall etc in NUS, and the communist infiltration of Nantah.
Many students give excuses and avoid getting involved, some take it up with the view of serving the country, otthers find the fiancial arrangement attractive and many scholars, salaried civil servants on govt grant to pursue further education feel pressured to take it up. After Wah Piow affair, nearly all the students uniions appointments over the years were controlled by ISD and some of them were paid by ISD.
I can assure you if something suddenly happens in the Uni and ISD has no clue, their heads will role.
The comments by some of the readers and the writer himself shows naievety and clearly no grasp of the current events.