Friend, I compiled some info here:
If you are keen in other types of result analysis, you can let me know. I got the data readily set up
If you are keen in other types of result analysis, you can let me know. I got the data readily set up

I have painstakingly keyed in results from 1993/727 till 2009/2432 in Excel.
Hottest 1st No: 1 (217x) & 2 (198x)
Hottest 2nd No: 10 (116x) & 7 (108x)
Hottest 3rd No: 17 & 20 (Both at 90x)
Hottest 4th No: 30 (96x) & 26 (95x)
Hottest 5th No: 32 (108x) & 37 (101x)
Hottest 6th No: 42 (179x) & 41 (169x)
Hottest Add No: 33 (53x) & 26 (50x)
From total 1705 nos worth of Draw results.
Hope that helps.
If buy System 12: 1, 2, 7, 10, 17, 20, 26, 30, 32, 33, 37, 41, 42. (Take away any 1 no)