why stinky coolies cina can't compete with CECA indians ah nehs?
why stinky cina need bumiputera privileges to compete against ceca indian ah nehs?
why whenever one ceca ah neh moves in, they import their whole village?
u think cina babi are any different from ceca in their modus operandi? u think without ceca like parasitical behavior, in any way or form, u slit eyed pork eating monkeys had a chance of earning your keep?
there's not a single fortune 500 corporation created by stinky cina babi private entrepreneurs on their own
there's not a single fortune 500 corporation created by jiuhu cina babi private tech entrepneurs on their own
talk about incompetence?
tiongkok binding feet eating child fetuses tiger penis shark fin pig trotters monkey brain is not considered incompetent?
tiongkok building crashing due to poor construction standards not signs of incompetence?
tiongkok still unable to defeat 4.5 times smaller ang mor yanks not signs of incompetence?
bloooody hell, utterly incompetent infamous
china speed wanking chink bastards did not even dare to attack a smaller stinking ah neh country like India in 2017 at Doklam.
That's the biggest sign of incompetence in the history of the world. Period.
Never, in the
history of humanity, has
ANY civilization, country, society, tribe or culture FAILED to defeat a smaller number of Ah Nehs, like the Chinks failed to do in Doklam in 2017.

That's the height of incompetence.
to be fair, chinks can only fight other chinks, civilians or unarmed civilians which they outnumber by at least 10 to 1.