Oei don't keep playing the trolls lah. We all know where this all leads.
Masturbating is a sin and it is bad, did you ever mas... ?![]()
I prefer mei mei masturbate for me. :P
Wah biang.. it is 12 midnight liao and ya still awake !.. Get a wife lah, you use it for life ! hahaha
Please define cultivated accent? You mean Singlish English ? Pls don't confuse a diploma holder..
I remembered LHL once said "technical recession'.. knn, a t. recession is a recession.. or a "honest mistake" is a mistake.. no matter how you touch up or patch up.. a layman can identify the defects easily.
This one is quite simple to answer. Just listen to how any of Singapore's MP speak (except a handful). Go youtube them. Tharman speaks with a cultivated Singapore accent that approximates received pronounciation, somewhat.
Poor is the old man, whose country's reputation depends on it's igorant countryman boasting of one another.
Your literacy level is really low man.And you are trying to appear wise here. Pathetic illiterate trash.
Poor is the old man, whose country's reputation depends on it's igorant countryman boasting of one another. Wahahaha.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you have a full education in Singapore (ie from Primary to Uni all in Sg schools), you are already MUCH MUCH more attractive to Western English speaking employers worlwide as compared to Hong Kong and Japan. Why? Because you can write in fluent English, they can't. You can produce your Cambridge O,A levels ceritificate, showing you have been examined to Cambridge standards in all subjects in English.
As it stands right now, Singapore's education is ranked numer 1 in terms of Math and Science, much better than America or any other English speaking country. There are tons of Europeans/Americans etc in Singapore right now working for rather little salary because they want the Singapore working experience on their resume!
I've to agree with you that our basic education is quite solid. Anybody who can do well in the Singapore school system will probably be able to do very well in any university they can get admitted in the West.
Sorry to burst your bubble. Singapore education is good only up to GCE A levels. For university education, you are really better off going to a reputable university (not necessarily Ivy League) in USA, UK or Canada (AU degrees are too commercial nowadays). This is especially so if you are doing technology courses. In spite of all the talk about USA going downhill and China rising, USA still leads the world in technology and will continue to lead in the next couple of decades.
I've to agree with you that our basic education is quite solid. Anybody who can do well in the Singapore school system will probably be able to do very well in any university they can get admitted in the West.
Because of s'pore's lack of size and an industrial base, the engineering degrees from our universities cannot match those from the West in terms of recognition. My friend who studied engineering in a very ordinary university in UK - and guess what - his final year project was part of a NASA project! And in the USA, there are funding for research not just from the government but from corporations like Intel, Microsoft, Glaxo, etc.
This one is quite simple to answer. Just listen to how any of Singapore's MP speak (except a handful). Go youtube them. Tharman speaks with a cultivated Singapore accent that approximates received pronounciation, somewhat.
Just a few examples off my mind of ppl who speak with a cultivated Singapore accent, Lee Kuan Yew, Vivian Balakrishan, Lee Hsien Loong, basically almost every Singapore MP, except a handful. Lee Kuan Yew used to have a very noticeable British accent when he was younger but he has lost this accent now. His accent is Singaporean now. Frankly it is very widespread in Singapore. The accent differences in Singapore is through social classes. This is different from Australia where they have accent differences in gender. Which is probably the only country in the world that has this phenomenon.
The cultivated Singaporean accent is rather similar to the high prestige British accents. The only difference is in their intonation. Youtube the thai prime minister abihsit as well. he is very special as he speaks received pronounciation but yet has a rather thick thai accent.
Singlish is broken English. it is not standard English. it came about because the education standards in the 50s-70s were very low and people were resisting speaking english properly. and many of these people are still resisting speaking english properly today.![]()
Please explain to me, what is "cultivated Singapore accent", and "received pronounciation."
he is plain stupid, 99% of Singaporeans don't speak the way politicans speak. who the fuc$ wants to emulate their style of speaking anyway. The teachers and lecturers in All local schools and institutions speak what the typical Singaporean would speak anyway.
he is plain stupid, 99% of Singaporeans don't speak the way politicans speak. who the fuc$ wants to emulate their style of speaking anyway. The teachers and lecturers in All local schools and institutions speak what the typical Singaporean would speak anyway.