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Tomorrow air quality will reach unhealthy level. Those who were vaccinated will be hit hard by haze


How nostalgic... I still remember the mid-autumn festival of 2019, before the scamdemic struck. There was a thick haze, but the PAP (PA) grassroots folks still organized their outdoor events and festivities. :biggrin:
Need more sinki Ah Fok human air filters to purify the air for Big Shot Sirs mah, so they can 举大望眀月,低天思kampong, u know?


May I know why old aunties always wear Cheong Sum 旗袍 during mid autumn festival
because they are chinese. my korean fren say they wear their traditional costume for chuseok (mid autumn)

Byebye Penis

those hepa filters need to change? Service interval?
during the last haze episode in singapore, i changed once a year.
no servicing required, at sub-$150 level, just throw away when it is not working.

The capacity is quite big and comparable to those $500-600 models. Such things don't need latest models, just look for brand and specs; we already had hepa tech air purifiers 10-20 years ago.


Alfrescian (Inf)
during the last haze episode in singapore, i changed once a year.
no servicing required, at sub-$150 level, just throw away when it is not working.

The capacity is quite big and comparable to those $500-600 models. Such things don't need latest models, just look for brand and specs; we already had hepa tech air purifiers 10-20 years ago.
I'm using Levoit 300S. Very good for its price.