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Tomorrow air quality will reach unhealthy level. Those who were vaccinated will be hit hard by haze


Alfrescian (Inf)
How nostalgic... I still remember the mid-autumn festival of 2019, before the scamdemic struck. There was a thick haze, but the PAP (PA) grassroots folks still organized their outdoor events and festivities. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
And for the air quality, you can bet they will strive to play down the situation whenever possible. 'Healthy to moderate range', listen to the talking head on tv and ignore what your eyes, nose and throat are signalling to you. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
tomorrow must wear n95mask?
wear this



And for the air quality, you can bet they will strive to play down the situation whenever possible. 'Healthy to moderate range', listen to the talking head on tv and ignore what your eyes, nose and throat are signalling to you. :cool:
This time I think they will push it hard on climate change.

Byebye Penis

SOS recommends Toshiba HEPA purifier caf-y33sg(w), currently for less than $150, suitable for large room.

Waiting for more discounts during 9.9 sale


The Haze is an important health issue, but it is equally important not to mislead others more so with the title on this thread.

Based on Science, regardless of vaccinated or not vaccinated, the Haze will affect ALL, Vaccination status is irrelevant to the effects of dust & dirt particles upon Humankind respiratory system.

1.The ones whom will be severely affected will be those with respiratory health issues. Thus they must wear masks whenever outside.
2. Do not plan any exercise programs outdoors when the haze abounds, as it will cause breathing problems, such as school PE lessons or civilian sunset walks.
3. Air purifier works, but so too a strong fan which can circulate air currents within a room or apartment that has at least minimal opened ventilation windows when haze levels are at the moderate range. Beyond that, fixed aircon or portable aircons will be needed for air circulation when windows are sealed.

Should one be infected with COVid during the haze period, regardless if vaccinated or not, it is critical to ensure patient if recovering at home, be placed in a clean environment - such as an aircon room with air purifier & windows/doors sealed to prevent any haze particles from entering, so as to assist the patient to breathe better.


The Haze is an important health issue, but it is equally important not to mislead others more so with the title on this thread.

Based on Science, regardless of vaccinated or not vaccinated, the Haze will affect ALL, Vaccination status is irrelevant to the effects of dust & dirt particles upon Humankind respiratory system.

1.The ones whom will be severely affected will be those with respiratory health issues. Thus they must wear masks whenever outside.
2. Do not plan any exercise programs outdoors when the haze abounds, as it will cause breathing problems, such as school PE lessons or civilian sunset walks.
3. Air purifier works, but so too a strong fan which can circulate air currents within a room or apartment that has at least minimal opened ventilation windows when haze levels are at the moderate range. Beyond that, fixed aircon or portable aircons will be needed for air circulation when windows are sealed.

Should one be infected with COVid during the haze period, regardless if vaccinated or not, it is critical to ensure patient if recovering at home, be placed in a clean environment - such as an aircon room with air purifier & windows/doors sealed to prevent any haze particles from entering, so as to assist the patient to breathe better.
you sound like a pap robot


Until now there is no news about haze in Singapore . Obviously they don’t want tourists to think that there is haze in Singapore. However tourists are not stupid. USA embassy already issued warning to their citizens in Singapore and a Malaysia


Don’t be fooled by NEA to tell you that today weather is cloudy because the air is flooded with haze particles which are blocking the sunlight. It is not cloudy but hazy