Dear Primate-Homo-Sapien Drifter,
Homo-sapien is just a terminology. It simply indicates that such animals have some sort of sklls and mental abilities that could resembling modern man. As you have pointed out "we ARE all homo-sapien". Yes - the key word is: ARE. But the question is: Before we "ARE", what were we "BEFORE?" Evolutionists and those who don't believe in God and that God creates everything, believe that before man has become from Primate to Homo-sapien to modern man, their ancestors (more specifically your ancestors?) few hundred generations ago were more of a beast-like animal. Even before they became beast-like animal they were, probably, just a ringworm or simple fugus. Science has never quite sure what were they in the first place.
So, get it corrected. We are not talking about "You ARE now" but rather "You WERE then".
It must be noted that the first book on the theory of evolution which is known as the Origin of Specie published in 1859, it was before scientists knew what DNA is all about. DNA was accidentally isolated and discovered only 8 or 9 years later in 1867. Had the scientific knowledge of DNA what scientists had known today, the theory of evolution would never be published, or at least it would never be accepted in the scientific community. DNA is God-written language into all living cells. In fact you can call it biological software because it gives precise instruction how each cell should function. The reason why some people got wrinke when they were just 20 years old and some don't even have wrinkle when they were int their 40s is because their DNA controlled and determined how they should look by certain age. The biological software instructs how we should look over a period of time, determines our behavoural disposition, gives us conscience, etc but more importantly, DNA cannot be re-created in the lab (although you can duplicate them by using original DNA). The theory of evolution was published with many assumptions but the key assumption and knowledge of DNA was completely absent from those assumptions. It cannot therefore be a book of science but rather a speculative book of who you were. There were many guessworks and all Darwin did was assembling some seashells and rotten bones and arranged them in some order, and he called them "Orgin of Specie." Quite unfortunately, looks like your ancestors bones were part of his assembling work of art which made you believe so strongly that you ARE a product of that wonderful theory called the Theory of Evolution. [The fact that I don't believe may be because my ancestors' bones were not part of his assembling work. Just speculating but there was a possibility that this could be the case.]
In short, DNA is biological information ecoded in all living cells. We must acknowledge that any thing may come from no where but when it comes to information, it has to come from a mind. You can go to a beach and see words like "God loves you" written on the sands or go to a forest and see some trees inscribed with words like "I love Jesus", however, simple those words are, however untidy those words are, they must be written by a human mind. It can never appear from no where. If such simple words require a mind to write it, DNA being an extremely complex biological software, how could it just simply existed without an Intelligent Designer.
You got the points - Primate-Homo-Sapien Drifter?
1 ) terrorist christain psalm23 your god make men using mold ? how did your god create human ? so your god also create gay ? no wonder you can call your invisible god lau peh whahahaha ...that is the funniest joke i can remember

2 ) " the theory of evolution would never be published, or at least it would never be accepted in the scientific community " .
where have you been all this while ? hiding in your church basement ? you mean scientist believe that god created human ? wheres your proof ?
3) DNA control that cause wrinke
you dont even know how to spell wrinkles yet you want to talk about them ? whahahahaha ...for your information idiot , it is natural breakdown of collagen and elastic fibres in the skin. this causes the skin to lose its firmness and elasticity me proof that DNA cause wrinke ? you are this forum number one idiot certify by your cult ..whahahaha ....let me give teach you ...persistent muscle contractions cause wrinkles and expression lines. with age, these lines become ingrained into our skin. other causes include prolonged sun exposure (photo ageing), smoking and pollution.
dynamic wrinkles occur when we use our facial muscles for expression. when we are young, our skin is more elastic and springs back. with age, dynamic wrinkles remain on our skin forming static wrinkles which occur at rest without any facial expressions. with age these wrinkles tend to become deeper and eventually permanent know why some old people dont get wrinkles ? because theres a thing call face lift , flashlamp, multiLight or photo Laser and botox ...thankyou for showing us once again how stupid you can get
4) You can go to a beach and see words like "God loves you" written on the sands or go to a forest and see some trees inscribed with words like "I love Jesus", however, simple those words are, however untidy those words are, they must be written by a human mind. It can never appear from no where. If such simple words require a mind to write it, DNA being an extremely complex biological software, how could it just simply existed without an Intelligent Designer.
idiot ...people who wrote " i love jesus " nosense on the beaches , forest , trees is the same as ppl wrote " jesus is a gay " , " theres no god " on bus seat , public toliet doors , staircase start thinking ...if you still have brain
if your god is a intelligent designer ...then he why created babies with sickness , without limps , blind , dumb ...ect ...since hes so intelligent
PS : if your god is real let him tell me and not you

too bad your invisibleman cant talk because he dont even exists ..idiot .