[You are encouraged to freely share the message with others as the Lord leads but please note that nothing on the message must be used for profit!]
Today’s Scripture Reading [December 26, 2010]
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. [John 1:1-3; 14. KJV]
It’s that time of the year!
“Christmas is that time of the year when even the most level-headed of us succumb to panic buying. We become guilty of making rushed purchases of items that turn out to be pointless and impractical, and which neither we nor the people we give them to would want to keep.
To have a better Christmas, go against the frenzied flow, and think calmly. Why buy something for yourself or a loved one because it seems “seasonal”, or trendy, or is most prominently displayed in the store? Why purchase meaningless trinkets for colleagues or neighbours? Instead, invest in what will last and be treasured.
For yourself or those clearest to you, consider gifts of beauty and value which could become treasured possessions. Or give the gift of a memorable experience. For those less near and dear, choose consumables they can use up (thus preventing clutter), or practical items that they can truly use.
While ringing in the new, do clear out the old. Anything you don’t want, but which is in too good a condition to be discarded, should be sold to interested buyers or given to charity. If you get any more meaningless presents this year, just add them to the list of things to clear out before next Christmas!
Does the above message look familiar to you? If you are a regular reader of the Straits Times, especially in the Classified Advertisement Section (CATS), you couldn’t have missed this message. Although the message sounds like a message written by a religious writer, it was actually a secular message appeared in the CATS advertisement just few days’ ago. What surprises me is that the CATS of the Straits Times is all about encouraging people to sell and to buy goods and services of all sorts and it is the most unlikely place the message of this nature could just appear in it. I certainly want to give high credit to the writer who wrote this message. As we all know, this is what ‘Christmas is all about' – “buying something for yourself or a loved one because it seems ‘seasonal’, or trendy!” It couldn’t be more timely for this message!
Over the last few of my posting, I have shared my thoughts about Christmas and in particular, giving some reasons from biblical perspective why we should avoid celebrating this event. You may have become restless, or have felt a sense of unpleasantness after reading those postings but, as you can see from the above message in the CATS, there are people who are very concerned about indiscriminate spending in this time of the year. Giving the rosy economy – for now – we tend to forget the bad times of the past. Over the last few days, especially on the eve of Christmas, there were celebrations after celebrations all over the world. Yes, the world loves Christmas but they hate Christ! The Christmas events that people are celebrating have nothing more than to distort the real story of the birth of Christ. Many people, Christians and non-Christians, are proclaiming at this time of the year some of the messages that we often heard in some of the Christmas songs such as “Joy to the world”, “Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the new-born King”, but the truth is that Christ is seldom at the center of the heart of the people even though they proclaimed those words. Instead, food, drinks, games and funs, and of course gifts are the very purpose of the celebration. As one pastor has candidly put it – at this time of the year, many of us are trying hard to find out what to buy for people who have already got everything, the answer , he added, is simple and obvious: we should not buy them anything for them because they have already got everything!
Let’s pause and think about the actual scenes leading up to Jesus’ birth in biblical terms. The birth of Christ is simply the fulfilment of one of the prophecies as foretold in the Old Testament - a Saviour to be born into this world to redeem the fallen human race. From the very first day of Christ’s birth, He was doing all that were needed to save the world; He was preparing Himself from the very beginning of His birth to travel to the cavalry to face one of the cruellest form of executions of death by hanging on the cross so that we can be redeemed to His Kingdom. But in human terms, this very reason for the birth of Christ is sadly distorted, even sometimes by the church! You might have just participated a celebration yesterday or few days’ ago and you are still in an intoxicated state of hung-over from drink you took. This message that you are reading may come just ‘too late’ for you. But take comfort because it’s never too late to repent when we really think that something is not right. Your salvation is not at stake. However, you must prayerfully go to the Bible and seek God’ direction and ask God what He has to tell you about Christmas. To begin with, try to look for the word Christmas in the Bible. It’s never there! It was simply coined out many years ago, and over time Christmas has become synonymous with shopping, spending, and stress. Even secular CATS message above clearly reflects this sad state of Christmas and it is no exaggeration what this time of year meant. In many retail stores around the world, the sales just in the month of December are more than total the sales of the previous few months. We must therefore try to recapture the spiritual of the birth of Christ and not let the excesses of shopping and entertainment overtaken us that we lost completely of our identity of who we are - the children of God - and that Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Christ but a purely pagan religion which is now being grossly exploited by retailers. I read the following story about a woman who was out Christmas shopping with her two children, and you too may have the similar encounter yourself while shopping with your children or your friends:
“After many hours of looking at row after row of toys, and everything else imaginable, and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids.
She was feeling what so many of us feel during the Christmas holiday season. Overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, getting the perfect gift for every person on one's shopping list, and making sure no one on the card list and those who sent a card is forgotten.
When the elevator doors opened there was already a crowd in the car. Exasperated, she pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed she couldn't take it anymore and stated, "Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot."
From the back of the car everyone heard a quiet calm voice respond, "Don't worry, we already crucified him." For the rest of the trip down the elevator was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.”
There are many versions or stories of who actually started Christmas and no one can really tell with absolute certainty how Christmas came about. But there is one truth that we all cannot deny. Christmas is not started by you nor me, neither the people of this generation. Though we are not the one who started it, neither can we be the one to stop it, the best that we could do for ourselves is to stop celebrating this event of Christmas which is nothing more than a pagan event and is synonymous with shopping, spending and fun. Instead, we must dedicate this season of the year to truly worship Jesus, our Messiah, our God, just like those wise men who came from the east to worship purely Jesus (Matthew 2:1; 11). Jesus does not need any gift from us but His demand of us is simple: Worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). While the world has no room for Jesus, we must leave pretty of space in our heart to accommodate our Saviour and let Him be at the centre of our heart. The life history of Jesus, His birth, His death, His resurrection and His ascension to the heavenly Kingdom must be remembered by us every day, and we should not let the celebration of Christmas, Good Friday, nor Easter Day be the only time of our remembrance. In fact, Jesus reminds us to only remember Him of His death during the Last Supper with His disciples with these words: This is my body which is given for you; this do in remembrance of me (Luke 22:19), and nothing in the Gospel tells to remember about His birth. Sadly, the world has done ‘exceedingly well’ in promoting the birth of Christ under an assumed pagan festive even of Christmas! The birth of Christ does not need to be celebrated. By all mean, we must remember the wonderful work of our Lord Jesus and we must remember His love, His teachings, His laws and more importantly His Lordship and His Diety that He and only He is God. And what better way to remember our Lord Jesus' love, teachings, laws then to simply follow His frequent reminder to us: Repent of our sins because it is only through our honest and sincere repentence that we can be saved!