[Please use the message here as the Lord leads, but nothing on the message must be used for profit!]
Today’s Scripture Reading [July 18, 2010]
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. [Isaiah 53:7. KJV]
Bible is still the best seller of book of all time. There is no close second. Calculating how many Bibles are sold around the world each year is a virtually impossible task. It is the only Book that has been translated to over more than 2,200 languages with at least one book of the Bible is translated into these 2,200 languages.
Why is Bible so widely translated and read? It is interestingly to note that even critics and skeptics who are ‘dead’ against the Bible read it! There is no better reason to explain this other than we are all created in the image of God who has placed His Word into our hearts. Whether we are conscious or not, we like it or not, we yearn for God’s Word. Because we are blinded by our sins, many turn away from His Word. They prefer, instead, to listen to Satan, His arch-enemy and worst, some of these people have unknowingly become Satan’s instrument to try to attack and destroy the Word of God. To their great disappointment, history has shown they can never succeed. No other book on earth has been so forcibly and ferociously attacked on and the mere fact that the Bible is still preserved to this day is a clear testimony that God Himself is personally involved in protecting and defending His Word, the Everlasting Word of God (Matthew 24:35). It was said that by end of the second century, it was totally impossible to destroy the written manuscripts of New Testament because one could easily reconstruct the New Testament just by extracting the quotations from the sermons preached by early church fathers. These sermons which were recorded in manuscripts were kept in strong custody in the libraries of churches.
The Word of God, the Bible, knows no boundary. Young children, old people, peasants, kings, royalties, businessmen, commom people, Christians, non-Christians, etc from all the nations read it and believe it. The following facts are likely to account for the reasons why so many people including non-Christians read this great book called the Bible:
• Jesus is a real person who has dramatically affected history
• Bible is filled with real people and they are confirmed to exist by archeological discoveries and recorded historical events
• Bible is packed with real places and their existences are confirmed by archeological discoveries
• Brilliant people like great scientists, politicians, composers, etc believe it to be true
• Bible fulfills our deepest needs in search for the True God
• Bible packs with the most exciting historical events and is historically reliable
• Bible packs with teachings that are still relevant today, more so then ever before
• Bible has survived the most sustained and ferocious attack than any other books ever written; it is a well-known fact that people were beheaded for possessing a copy of the Bible; this persecution of beheading continues to this day
• Our time scale is based on B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini which means “in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ) proves that the birth of Jesus is a very solid historical fact
• Current world events that are unfolding are consistent with Bible’s predictions and prophecies
• Many lives, from drug addicts to the most incorrigible criminals, have been changed because of Bible message
• Many people have died because their Christian faith
Contrary to what many people have concluded, Bible does not have many stories. Even though the Bible is divided into the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament (NT), the Bible tells only one story and is consistently throughout the Old and the New Testament, absolutely no contradiction: It tells the story of how God rescues a broken world and points to His Son, Jesus who would come and rescue God’s people from this broken world. In the OT, God revealed Himself through the Israelites, through the prophets, their prophecies and through His own promises. In the NT, God reveals Himself in Christ in human form and the fulfillment of every promise and prophecy. In other words, the OT predicts God's Rescuer whom He would send to the world; the NT fulfills this and presents God's Rescuer, His birth, His death and His resurrection of God's Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, the whole Bible - both the Old and New Testament - is all about God's Rescuer.
From the literary perspective, people read the Bible because they think the Bible is a book of heroes, showing you people you should copy or emulate. It is true that Bible does have stories of some heroes, but we will all soon find out that most of the people in the Bible were not heroes at all. These 'heroes' made some big mistakes and sometimes on purpose; some were timid, got afraid and ran away when they were facing persecutions. At times, they were downright mean.
Bible is not a book of literature but divine Word that God Himself penned. The true theme of the story that is told in the Bible is about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back His lost treasure, the precious souls of this fallen world. It's a love story about a brave Heavenly Prince who leaves His Palace, His Throne - everything - to rescue the ones He loves. It's like the most wonderful of fairy tale that has come true in real life! The best thing about this Story – or the Divine Fairy Tale – is: it’s true and we, as God’s children, are part this Divine Fairy Tale! As the stage curtain is about to drop, we must make sure that we are players on the stage with the Heavenly Prince. Just like all drama, all plays, all movies, there is a time duration and once the curtain is dropped, the show will end. The big difference, however, is that this real-life Divine Fairy Tale will not be replayed!
Attached below is an article from a Bible devotional website Charisma, of our Great Hero, Jesus who became the Perfect Sin Sacrifice. We must believe with total conviction that through His sacrificial blood, Jesus can redeem us from the wrath of God (Romans 5:10). He is our only Rescuer!
The Perfect Sin Sacrifice
Mark 16:1-20 God is a God of infinite detail. He made sure that Jesus fulfilled every requirement for a sin sacrifice according to His laws. The account in Mark of Mary Magdalene bringing sweet spices on the Sabbath to anoint Jesus' body reveals a very important fact about Jesus' burial.
Jesus died around 3 p.m. in the afternoon just before sundown on a Friday. At sundown the Sabbath would begin, and the body could not be prepared on that day. When Jesus delivered His spirit into the hands of the Father and died, He was taken off the cross and wrapped for burial. There was not sufficient time to prepare His body completely for burial because those tending Him were rushing to get the job done before sundown.
When the Sabbath was past, the two Marys brought sweet spices to anoint the body of Jesus and thus complete the embalming process that could not be completed before the Sabbath. Along with these sweet spices I believe frankincense was included. Frankincense is a sweet white gum that comes from a tree in Israel. It has a sweet odor and was mixed with other sweet spices to make the holy perfume mentioned in Exodus 30:34. Frankincense was used with oil to cover most of the sacrificial offerings required by the Levitical law. There was one sacrifice, however, upon which frankincense was forbidden for anointing. This sacrifice was the sin offering. We find this in Leviticus 5:11: "He shall put no oil upon it, neither shall he put any frankincense thereon: for it is a sin offering"
God is a God of infinite detail. He made sure frankincense was never laid on the body of Jesus, because if it had been, He would not have fulfilled the requirements as the perfect sin sacrifice. I believe Mary was carrying the very frankincense that was given to her by the Magi on the night Jesus was born. She probably kept it in a safe place and treasured it for years.
The scriptures do not tell us that Mary was carrying frankincense, but it is a natural assumption since she was carrying sweet spices. I believe this was the case and that it proves how awesome our God is. He has marked the heavens with the span of His hand and can hold all the waters on earth in the hollow of His hand (Isaiah 40:12), yet He humbles Himself to number the hairs on our heads and to see the hearts of men. He has named every star in the universes (Psalm 147:4-5), and yet He saw the need to prevent frankincense from being applied to the body of our Lord, which would have nullified His acceptance as the perfect sin sacrifice.
All we have talked about this should give us strong confidence that God can meet our needs through Jesus Christ because He loves us. Jesus fulfilled every requirement to be the perfect sin offering for our sake, and because He did, we now can have access to the throne room of God through prayer and can approach His throne of grace and find help in time of need. So what are you worried about?
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