Since this is the emigration folder, why not those who feel that emigration is not for them just foff back to Singapore and let those who truly want to migrate explore their options with those willing to help them?
I am here to provide some information for my ex-countrymen and women who wish to migrate. I do not spoon-feed, but my postings come from personal experiences or experiences of others whom I observed.
Because I envy the other migrants like South Africans, Poms, Japs, Koreans etc who are getting support from their own communities. But I never have that level of support from the Singaporean community.
But when it comes to Singaporeans, they seems to want to outdo each other to make their fellow Singaporeans miserable. In universities, I heard of Singapore students sabo their mates so they cannot get first-class honours.
Here, the same type of people are present again trying to entrap others into the cesspit. Sometimes, I wonder - what is the point? what are these Singaporeans trying to achieve? I am beyond annoyance at these losers whom I pity as the lost and the defeated.
There are many ex-Singaporeans who have moved on in their new lives. They tried not to associate themselves with loser Singaporeans. Unfortunately, some of these people do turn up in their houses and make sacastic remarks about not "sharing" the secret of successful migrating.
My relatives/friends also turn up at my "mansion" and I have to pick them up from the airport. Then in my house, they cut my garden fruit and vegetables to bring back Singapore. They even waste my precious asian ingredients to do their cooking without considering that I am not in Singapore and these supplies are more expensive and sometime harder to get.
There is no magic to successful migration. There are some hardwork and pain involved. Mistakes were made along the way. Singaporeans who migrate would have experienced that loss of familiarity and culture. Therefore, the fact that we made it in our adopted countries is not "easy feat. Somehow, the process of adopting to our new countries make us more confident people than what we would have been if we remain stuck in Singapore.