nahbay you want SGP to become a allah country?
Thought you hypocrite fighting hard to alter your bible text from god to Allah?

nahbay you want SGP to become a allah country?
even if singapore is filled with useless ppl like you proclaim, its still our business - what has it got to do with other countries? So long you are not a singaporean, stay out and mind your business.
and whether singaporeans can or will chg the government is still entirely singaporeans' business - no thks we don't outsiders help.
PLease, the life of people is at stake, pple are jumping down the MRT line and pple worry for their life and future.
If you bunch of sinkies dun go out and overthrow and protest against the sinkie govt and yet do a slow death.
Why not give foreigners a chance to run the country. Don't say invade lah, say taking over for the betterment of the life of people in sinkieland.
One advantage is, their good foreign culture will help to dispell those sinkie behavior.
I hope Thailand will invade Singapore, so at least those sinkie behavior will be gone after some cultural mixture. The Thais are famous for being nice and tolerant.
Honestly , if they was a war started by our Ministars big mouths, I dare say most will not fight for them.
BUT, if another nation tried to invade us for fun, S'poreans will fight
when you defend your country with your blood and life in times of need.
i defend singapore becos its my home not becos of LKY or anybody.Yeah. Right. Defend Sinkeeland when the PAP scums are sitting in posh restaurants eating sharkfins? Defend Sinkeeland when the F Trashes are having a good time stealing jobs from Singaporeans and fucking spgs? Forget it!!!
i defend singapore becos its my home not becos of LKY or anybody.
Thought you hypocrite fighting hard to alter your bible text from god to Allah?![]()
No singaporean own any single home or property in this stinky tiny island
of course you don't have obligation to defend sgp, if you mother, your father, your brothers, yours sisters, your grandma, your grandpa, you relatives and best friends have all migrated to OZ land....
There is something wrong with your brain, perhaps LKY have brainwashed you already, sorry to say that.
No singaporean own any single home or property in this stinky tiny island.
We are renting it by lease term.:(
The land or so-called home (even your CPF "unless you renounce citizenship") belongs to LEE KUAN YEW and his family.
The truth hurt though.:(:(
Ownership is one thing, having the balls to defend your rights as a citizen is another. You look at the type of quality stock of sinkies, even their own govt look down on them.
I mean it is understandable. If i go and screw them year after year and yet they still dun fight back, do you think i will look up in them?
NO way!!!!!! In fact beside looking down at them, i despise them as well.
I will respect them when they start to fight back and hold some dignity.
But what we see now is that they still wimp here and there. Good luck in getting respect. Face it, sinkies' own govt doesn't give them any respect at all. I mean who want to respect a coward.
Look at the Thais... Thumbs up to them.
The thais know how to take care of their own country.
exactly. If another country or force is to invade, I will bear arms not for the government but for the land that i am born.
i am fighting not for the PAP government but for Singapore.
Exactly Nissan, at last there is one clear mind like you here is this forum which is filled with losers and PAP moles.
The govt is using the resources for their own benefit and for staying on their job and post in the expense of the citizen and still sinkies dun do anything and just ballessly hide away and complain.
Who would respect a coward???
IN fact , they deserve such treatment. The only way for these losers to get out of the misery is to welcome an invasion as that is the only way to get rid of their problem which is the PAP.
Times have changed..... you may jolly well find that you will be fighting alone...... 90% of my "brudders" from the Armed Forces WILL NOT fight for this land now anymore...... there was a time when we would have been proud to shed blood and sacrifice ourselves to defend this little red dot..... but not anymore.
If we were forced to bear arms again..... we know who our real targets would be and it's definitely not the invading force :(