If you cant agree with the word licence then take it as a permit. And for the record just for mentioning, there're regulations like enforced monthly medical screening, not allowed to socialize with locals beyond, etc...etc..
Brothels in GL, KS and previously Desker are required to apply for such permits for their gals. Typically malaysian gals in such brothels have to apply for a six months permit if they dont go back after their two months stay. As for thais and PRCs I believe it is similar if not longer period.
Gals foreign or not, be it on the streets, health center, massage parlors, KTV lounge, budget hotels or sleazy bars do not hold such permits. Dont ask me how AV targets, when there's an operation you will find yourself going thru silly embarrassing interrogations there and then or even back at their HQ. What happens after, you might want to find out yourself if you are game enough. I am not suggesting anything, you are after all just a customer.
You dont read very well, entrapment is to get the gals not me. AV can always pose as potential customers in getting these gals to solicit, simple as that. I've known a gal in a local health center falls and deported up north for that, I will spare the details.