Interest rate can only be increased gradually without causing great stress to the home loan market. Can you imagine the catastrophic scenario if it is increased by 5% (on top of the current 3.5%).. everyone will be a bankrupt !! This will bring property prices down but can ppl afford to buy ?
Kevin Rudd strategy cannot please all parties.. He is interested in short term measures to resolve the affordability of 1st home buyers.. by giving away money during the interim will solve the on-going property prices? No. In short, Kevin Rudd fulfill (part) the 1st homer's dreams, inevitably this increases the demand for properties.
However, relaxation on town planning guidelines and pro-development will fulfill the appetite of property buyers.. Sadly we have heaps of ppl objecting to developments and Councils are highly inefficient in dealing with the approval. These lead to poor supply.
Well axe, I agree in general with what u have said but the unusual way of propping property price in Oz is coming to an end. Even RBA chief remarked a couple of days ago that he is bewildered by the high property price given the land size in Oz and the relatively small population. This would indicate his determination in bringing down prices by increasing interest rate not gradually but agressively. Not forget when he cut interest rate, he did it agressively so do not be caught by surprise if he were to increase it that way. There are also talks in the market that instead of OZ having undersupply of property, the truth is we have oversupply but the way RBA calculate makes it look otherwise, the same goes for the unemployment rate. If someone is not actively looking for work, he is not deem as unemployed. Does that make sense, of course not. The media in Oz cannot be taken at face value due to vested interest and this is all due to me having lived in Oz for a number of years. For more details, maybe u can check it out moneymorning and they are the one telling like what it is. No censorship and no distortion. I rest my case but still maintain that cash is still king in addition to gold and stocks (some element of risk though) but definetely not property at this stage. Will talk again by mid of next year and we will know whether property price will continue to hold up or face a major correction. Cheers and have a nice day!
Unemployment stats are the most abused figure. I would rather look at the the increase in people getting US social security, AUS centrelink NewStart payments, UK Employment Office queues, etc to countercheck with the unemployment figures.
Basically, Australia has a minor recession but it is not hurting as much. Just because different definition is used to define recession, we can quote this and that and say that we avoided the recession. But just check the electricity and gas/oil usage and we get a different story. Beyond seasonal variations and adjusting for outsourcing, we know that we are producing less. Not a good sign.
Kevin Rudd is scary. He is not a true politican, his babyface should have told us to be wary of him and his self-interest.
His deputy is worst, acting for the worst group of people I have ever come across - left-wing teachers.
John Howard is right about Kevin. And an resigned staff wrote about him preparing for a post-PM business career in Beijing.
I trust Malcolm Turnbill whom I believe will act in national interest once he is in govt.