30 mins ago about 6pm Friday 17.Jun 2011 I was there at Bugis Junction just below the Link-Bridge to Iluma mall. One Singaporean uncle 75 age approx had heart attack. Pedestrians including FTs & locals we helped him, get him seated and relax check pulse and called ambulance & called his family. I think he can make it alive.

Lucky him still have pulse but obviously screwed, cold sweating like hell, chest discomfort, pale, difficulty breathing, weak, cold and slow in responding, can hardly speak already. When I 1st noticed him he was leaning slumped already on sidewalk. One SG lady calling 995 already, FT Indian lady and SG Ah Soh supported the old man. Put him on a bench.
2 young men were SMOKING on that bench and they never helped! :( I gave them a kind of a look then they left to smoke else where, because the wind was blowing their 2nd hand smoke toward the collapsed uncle you see. He already can not breath, how can you give him 2nd hand smoke?
Then I alerted the building's security guards, ask them to help. They rushed out, help to support the victim. The security manager guided the ambulance to park near directed road traffic. I hurried the medic to give Ah Pek oxygen mask.

Then I left.
He should be now in the ER, I hope SCDF & ER doctors save his live. 100% cardiac emergency case for sure I can tell.
It was just a damn hot day, and Ah Pek just walked under sun only. No IPPT leh. If he fell unconscious no help in time sure mati. Touch wood lah...