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time again to redeem $300 chicken wings from the stingy PAP gahmen


I haven’t finish the previous batch. Only used up the supermarket variant (which is way easy to spend).
You can easily spend it all at Mori Mori Yogashi Japanese bakery at Everton Park. The baker worked at MBS hotel. That time I spend $100 just one visit or you can go to Tanjong Pagar food centre buy $5 chicken rice. Or Maxwell food centre rendang chicken nasi lemak set $5. Or at the basement of the temple across the road got vegetarian lunch set.


Old Fart
Wow, more freebies! Majulah PAP!!!:thumbsup::biggrin: I feel so rich! I feel so bribed! Because GE is in a few months.


Suck you hundreds of thousands $$$ through HDB land costs into 'reserves' and all kinds of ranjiao levies, fees and taxes then give you back bread crumbs knowing that many kum gong kias will salivate...

PAP is a very shrewd businessman indeed...LOL


You ccb sinkie clone no need to act innocent you started this chicken thread around me to target me just like @cat aka ah meng your fellow Cantonese dog son of chicken Pui!


Becos gansiokbin put her chicken whore house address to claim and gov denied the address so she kee siao.
That’s what you Cantonese dog son of Chicken think not me although it’s true EVERYTHING that other people get without effort I have to put in 10x effort for it Pui!