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tiagong, he chose to be single cos cannot mari kita



Lunch With Sumiko: Creative Technology's Sim Wong Hoo is back

How have you been able to keep looking young, I ask the founder, chairman and CEO of Creative Technology.

He laughs and says: "You want to know the secret?"

I nod. What's the secret?

"You want to know the secret?" he teases again.

Yes, what's the secret, I say.

"Don't get married."

I tiagong from the uncle below my house kopitiam one


Sumuko Tan again ! Writing junk for the sake of writing.She's still in SHIT TIMES cos got good support mountain.
My Kopi Kakis say SIM is smart not to get married especially SG women who are very materialistic ,demanding and argumentative.


Ah Sim is hinting to Ah Sum that she has aged a lot since she got married to that tennis coach. :biggrin::roflmao:


Lunch With Sumiko: Creative Technology's Sim Wong Hoo is back

How have you been able to keep looking young, I ask the founder, chairman and CEO of Creative Technology.

He laughs and says: "You want to know the secret?"

I nod. What's the secret?

"You want to know the secret?" he teases again.

Yes, what's the secret, I say.

"Don't get married."

I tiagong from the uncle below my house kopitiam one