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This young man is a steady PSP supporter


Alfrescian (Inf)
Millennials and first-time voters probably don't appreciate the political gangsterism from LKY's days. :wink:

Lanjiao Loong thinks people will venerate him like they did to his daddy.... please lah, this is not North Korea. :cool:



See??? This is the new generation. Old uncle in this forum do not understand and pls.. your prediction is not gonna be accurate.

there are mind games going on.

PAP wants people to think big oppie win coming to scare swing voters into voting for PAP

Opposition wants people to think big PAP win coming to motivate swing voters into voting Opposition.

so let's follow our hearts and just vote opposition because honestly, the PAP will still form the government at the end of the day :biggrin:

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
See??? This is the new generation. Old uncle in this forum do not understand and pls.. your prediction is not gonna be accurate.
One young ah beng ranting in public doesn't mean all young people support opposition. My friend's younger colleagues at her bank are all voting Pap


Alfrescian (Inf)
there are mind games going on.

PAP wants people to think big oppie win coming to scare swing voters into voting for PAP

Opposition wants people to think big PAP win coming to motivate swing voters into voting Opposition.

so let's follow our hearts and just vote opposition because honestly, the PAP will still form the government at the end of the day :biggrin:

Lee Hsien Loong did a fucked up job, and his 4G successors are a bunch of clowns.

This is an open and shut case, pretty straightforward.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Let's face the facts. Sinkies are not risk takers. That's why the whole country is mediocre at best. At our worst, we just badmouth others and back off upon crunch time. Too comfortable and too much to lose.


Lee Hsien Loong did a fucked up job, and his 4G successors are a bunch of clowns.

This is an open and shut case, pretty straightforward.

yes, this vote shall be a referendum on the performance of LHL. let history record him as another example of the weakness of dynastic politics.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
So prepare to lose all seats except for Hougang SMC. At least this time Pap is generous to give consolation prize - 12 NCMP seats with voting rights. Yippee


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
waulau this type of oppo supporter
better don't post and circulate
surely cause more harm to psp
lidat depend on this type of sarprt
sure lose lah
psp sure lose with this type of unca
pap boohaow pap boohaw pap boohow


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
No need so troublesome. Just Google pictures of the opposition rallies during the past couple of GEs. 20k plus turned out. Then results leh? lol
The results reflect the 20k who turned out. Why would PAP supporters turn up for a rally when they are already bombarded with the same shit day in and day out?


Alfrescian (Inf)

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The results reflect the 20k who turned out. Why would PAP supporters turn up for a rally when they are already bombarded with the same shit day in and day out?
You're missing my point.

I had been going to the WP stadium and SDP lunchtime rallies. The atmosphere was electric. Every sinkie felt we were going to see change finally.

The social network chatgroups were inundated with inspiring messages calling for courage, people power and patriotic duty.

That is disconnected with the sentiment of the electorate's. It's just our confirmation bias.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The Pap is a giant machine which has indefinite resources and years to hone their skill of winning elections .. and the track records show.

It knows what it's doing when it called for election in the cusp of of a global recession and pandemic. It also has a team of expert statisticians who can fore tell the election result.

Good luck fighting SkyNet