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This thread is all about Anti-Communist China and who is the real China!!!


First of all, i would like to show all of you guys why we should not let down on our guard against the Communist ruler still ruling China now.

Watch the video below!!!And listen to their so called military song.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Hq8bWwcoKZk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The uneducated communist china bastard rulers are spreading anti japs and anti ROC to the masses...!!!

The songs written... 既提到了打倒蔣匪,又提到了打倒日本狗!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
don't worry.......................when the global depression hits in a few years' time...................the commies will fall................

China will go back to the Warring States period again...............


I actually think its bloody inspiring. In China, they will never forget the rape of Nanking. During the Japanese Occupation, so many people were killed in South East Asia. Yes, we can talk about forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones. But that is a personal choice and should not be imposed on others. Japan has never fully acknowledged its deeds. But it doesn't matter to the Chinese anymore as the blood debt has to be repaid. Decades have passed and interest is compounding.

Expect Japan to be wiped out from the face of the earth. I will miss their AV though. Jap porn is their gift to modern society and bukkake its crowning glory :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
I actually think its bloody inspiring. In China, they will never forget the rape of Nanking. During the Japanese Occupation, so many people were killed in South East Asia. Yes, we can talk about forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones. But that is a personal choice and should not be imposed on others. Japan has never fully acknowledged its deeds. But it doesn't matter to the Chinese anymore as the blood debt has to be repaid. Decades have passed and interest is compounding.

Expect Japan to be wiped out from the face of the earth. I will miss their AV though. Jap porn is their gift to modern society and bukkake its crowning glory :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

don't worry...................the nuclear disaster in Japan is actually 10 times worse than Chernobyl........................

soon most of Japan will be uninhabitable..................

of course the radiation will spread to China too.......................

so both long-time enemies can hug together and die lor..................


Alfrescian (Inf)
lianbeng heard that even russia is trying to revive communism - they are still experimenting with human clones. :biggrin: u might see/hear starling or hitler talking to u again. :biggrin:


don't worry...................the nuclear disaster in Japan is actually 10 times worse than Chernobyl........................
soon most of Japan will be uninhabitable..................
of course the radiation will spread to China too.......................
so both long-time enemies can hug together and die lor..................

You are nuts... change your nick don't be so blasphemous


I actually think its bloody inspiring. In China, they will never forget the rape of Nanking. During the Japanese Occupation, so many people were killed in South East Asia. Yes, we can talk about forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones. But that is a personal choice and should not be imposed on others. Japan has never fully acknowledged its deeds. But it doesn't matter to the Chinese anymore as the blood debt has to be repaid. Decades have passed and interest is compounding.

Expect Japan to be wiped out from the face of the earth. I will miss their AV though. Jap porn is their gift to modern society and bukkake its crowning glory :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

you are nuts.watch this... to know what is the difference between ROC and PRC!!! Who is the more lawfully to rule china!!!

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ts372Vu2qY4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are nuts... change your nick don't be so blasphemous

i'm not nuts................foreign nuclear scientists are saying the Japs are GROSSLY under-reporting the grave dangers from the Fukushima nuclear disaster !

all 3 reators were already in FULL MELTDOWN long ago and the evacuation zones have been expanded and will continue to expand........


so why not China or even Southeast Asia ????

### i'm not blasphemous at all............since there's no such thing as a God.............he's created by Man and he's my dog !


Alfrescian (Inf)
Please remove this thread as it does not belong to Post Election Grouses. It has nothing to do with this section.


Please remove this thread as it does not belong to Post Election Grouses. It has nothing to do with this section.

the more i want to expose the world..., dont be ungrateful.it was the roc who fought bravely against the japs.but the mao zhedong thanks the jap for the invasion or else the communist china wont won the war against the roc.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZVPoxo-zxV4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bYVYpGUuIbc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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I actually think its bloody inspiring. In China, they will never forget the rape of Nanking. During the Japanese Occupation, so many people were killed in South East Asia. Yes, we can talk about forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones. But that is a personal choice and should not be imposed on others. Japan has never fully acknowledged its deeds. But it doesn't matter to the Chinese anymore as the blood debt has to be repaid. Decades have passed and interest is compounding.

Expect Japan to be wiped out from the face of the earth. I will miss their AV though. Jap porn is their gift to modern society and bukkake its crowning glory :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

So you think two wrongs make a right?

What guilt do the innocent Japanese civilians of 2011 have for the acts of the Japanese military of 1942?

Do you think that China will start a war with Japan just to avenge something that happened 70 years ago, for which the current govt, military and civilians were not responsible?

By your logic, Singapore should start a war with Indonesia for their acts during the Sukarno era (Konfrontasi) because their agents conducted terrorist bombings in Singapore.

Might as well say Singapore should try to sabotage Britain for colonising us in 1800s?


I actually think its bloody inspiring. In China, they will never forget the rape of Nanking. During the Japanese Occupation, so many people were killed in South East Asia. Yes, we can talk about forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones. But that is a personal choice and should not be imposed on others. Japan has never fully acknowledged its deeds. But it doesn't matter to the Chinese anymore as the blood debt has to be repaid. Decades have passed and interest is compounding.

Expect Japan to be wiped out from the face of the earth. I will miss their AV though. Jap porn is their gift to modern society and bukkake its crowning glory :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

So you think two wrongs make a right?

What guilt do the innocent Japanese civilians of 2011 have for the acts of the Japanese military of 1942?

Do you think that China will start a war with Japan just to avenge something that happened 70 years ago, for which the current govt, military and civilians were not responsible?

By your logic, Singapore should start a war with Indonesia for their acts during the Sukarno era (Konfrontasi) because their agents conducted terrorist bombings in Singapore.

Might as well say Singapore should try to sabotage Britain for colonising us in 1800s?