刚去的时候,没有认识的人,没有认识的经理,每次少拿钱或者拖欠小费都是常有的事,比如有一次坐包厢,旁边的小妹(简称B)被喝多的客人一直骚扰,我们这行分的很清楚在内部,可能在你们看来我们都是小姐,都很脏,可是我们内部就会分出台,不出台,不出台的就是只陪客人喝喝酒,跳跳舞,会有一些起色心的客人捏捏屁股,捏捏胸。我旁边的这个客人就直接把手塞到B的下面,我看到B面色惊慌,满脸的不愿意,但是为了钱,我们没有一点点办法 ,今天如果说B真的发火或者调头走出包厢,别说今天的小费拿不上,以后还能不能试台都另说,更别提经理会怎么对她,所以就只能忍气吞声,满面堆笑。
那是一个周一的晚上,我跟往常一样跟随其他姐妹去试台,在进入那个包厢之前,我还不知道爱到底是什么,一进包厢,“各位老板晚上好,”然后就是每个小妹的自我介绍,通常介绍都是很简单都的报家乡在哪里,还没轮到我的时候就有一个男人叫我过去,“那个倒数第四个,过来,”旁边的人都唏嘘着,我不懂他们为什么那样,选我的这个男人看起来很成熟,很干净,就是简单的白衬衫,下面一条黑色的西裤,还有黑色皮鞋和黑色袜子,说起来你们可能不相信,我对穿黑色袜子的男人感觉很不错,坐在他的旁边还能闻见他身上很舒服的味道,过了一会经理进来,和我旁边的这个男人,说了一些什么,就带着,满意的笑容出去了,转头我就看见他很复杂的看着我,那个晚上不知道是因为酒的原因,还是因为旁边这个男人太吸引我,我就不知不觉喝多了,一直到不醒人事,只记得他很疯狂的撕开我的衣服,而我没有一点力气去反抗,我能感受到他吻我的炙热,也能记得他嘲笑我不会接吻,也记得他进入的时候我感觉疼的要死了,还有他吻掉我眼泪的时刻........早上醒来的时候,他在桌子上放了一沓钱,大概五六钱吧 ,旁边还有一张纸条,上面写着,“晚上我去找你,别试台。”按理说我应该痛哭或者其他的什么,可是我看着床单上的血,竟然有一种安心的感觉,我不会撒娇,不会诉说,不会恳求上天的怜悯。
有一次交合过后,他气喘吁吁的用力的捏我的屁股,“宝贝,你真的让我欲罢不能” 我泛红的脸颊更加滚烫,平静过后我说我怀孕了,他没说什么,就说要懂事,这是我打的第一个孩子,他陪我去的医院,在做完流产的一个月里,他都尽心尽力的照顾我,我还真的以为这个叫做付出。
我是只记得我那年才19。身体恢复好后,他带我出去旅游,这个应该算是补偿。旅游回来之后他在临街的位置给我租了一出门面,他说你想干什么就干点什么,我没有特长,没有手艺,就空长了一副还算漂亮的皮囊,我就开了一家女装店,因为临街,生意还算不错,还有就是他给我找了不错的发货商和有脑子的会计,这家店开了两年,两年里我和他更加像是夫妻,我也享受他带给我的快乐,而我始终记得他还有个妻子,我看过他妻子的照片,很明媚的一个女人,时间越久我内心的愧疚感越发严重,占有欲也越来越强,我能隐约感觉到我和他缘分快到尽头了,那天他喝了很多酒 ,很粗暴,很疯狂,又是一个不眠夜,一直折腾到凌晨三点多,他才睡去,而我拖着疲惫的身子,也昏昏入睡,早上醒来之后,他在我床头放了一张银行卡,还有一张纸条,“卡里有二十万,算是你对我这几年的回报,以后不要联系了 ,我妻子要生了,还有就是,要懂事”......
go kopitiam and sell beer?
any idea?
Ok lor let me go dig out all the dog’s incriminating threads 还想抵赖ask me to take note woh Cantonese son of SELF ADMITTED SLUT @Franjipani you and your fellow dogs take note violent death is waiting for you the one one that you targeted and persecuted with your Cantonese dog pride is a virgin and never a chicken slut unlike your cheap self admitted dirty slut women Pui!
You criminal bully dogs Cantonese sons of prostitutes smearing and harassing me one want to 洗白launder your dirty defamation crimes to nothing by acting innocent and got the audacity to ask me take note. No need to talk so much you dare not swear to die a violent death that your chicken and outright prostitute with my particulars threads are not targeting me. Pui!
K Shanmugam Sc I see the parliament news today 22 November 24 on internet bullying, Singapore government seems to restrict internet bullying to youth phenomenon when this is far from truth. Many internet bullies are not youths at school but adults or even old people like the lazy idle Cantonese bullies in a rat hole forum that take salary don’t work but spent working hours ganging up to abuse me everyday and when you fight their bullying and sexual harassment, a self admitted Cantonese man in the group shamelessly turned around to repeat lies that I want to have sex with him.
Six days ago I made a post that documented these adult bullies ganging up to bully me « Unfortunately there are many criminal bullies hiding in rat hole forum brazenly doing defamation crimes to me everyday and for years. Their profile is self claimed Cantonese or Hakka that used Cantonese vulgarities on me and one such brazen and proud Cantonese criminal with self admitted Cantonese dirty slut mother just took my life story and twist into a cheap slut whore mistress story when I am a virgin with annulled marriage. « .
Subsequent to this post, not only did the brazen Cantonese criminal bully proudly doing defamation crimes of me showed no signs of remorse but he proudly churned out mass of daily chicken and mistress threads and gang up with other Cantonese and Hakka bullies in the group to make sleazy and insulting comments of me either directly or indirectly using insinuating insults.
And everyone knows it’s Chinese culture to refer to prostitutes as chicken and this brazen Cantonese bully actually started a thread before in March 24 to explain why are prostitutes called chicken so it’s definitely not innocent but evil intentional harassment of me.
And this brazen Cantonese criminal serial liar and other bullies ganging up in the rat hole forum have the audacity to do defamation crimes and harassment crimes to me then act innocent and turned around to call me mad. They think their identity is unknown and can hide in rat hole to abuse me for years to feel good in their jealous sore loser life, such evil people should be severely punished.
Update 3 December 24 the evil arrogant Cantonese bullies continue to do defamation crimes on me smearing and insulting me as slut prostitute and one of the Cantonese bully that spewed much Cantonese vulgarities on me previously and self admitted a thief that committed CBT in office and was jailed for buying illegal goods made defamatory baseless false accusations of me cheating money of my family members and relatives to buy condo etc character assassination of me.
Actually what happened to me is like what happened to the Malaysian influencer that committed suicide and died with people making lewd comments and more. In fact what I encountered is much worse both online and offline with these vicious Cantonese and other bullies hiding in rat hole forum and offline bullies that made whistles and knocks.