Not like Xia suay 5000 year culture and rapist culture liars sons of whores Kay poh chee self entitled thieves slanderers harassers. No kindness no help when come to injustice or crime or crisis only care for themselves their family and friends aka cronies only.People that know how to respect other people’s privacy are always kind and the best indeed. Angmoh the best just like me.
Not like Xia suay 5000 year culture and rapist culture liars sons of whores Kay poh chee self entitled thieves slanderers harassers. No kindness no help when come to injustice or crime or crisis only care for themselves their family and friends aka cronies only.
No wonder angmoh the best. No such stupid team player concept.These Xia suay 5000 year culture and rapist culture specimens ownselves like to be team players that help cronies only and help cronies cover up for crimes yet so shameless Kpkb non stop when other team players help their cronies and cover up for their cronies. That’s how fake and ugly sinkies and mudlanders are indeed.
... can't disagree more.... certainly the best of the bestest trouble makers... be it in the office... in the neighbourhood......Angmoh the best just like me...
You Xia suay 5000 year culture Cantonese liar son of whore repeating evil filthy lies again. I happened to have a clip of a YouTube video that is exactly what happened to me in Malaysia neighbourhood.... can't disagree more.... certainly the best of the bestest trouble makers... be it in the office... in the neighbourhood..
Too bad the video file too big can’t post.You Xia suay 5000 year culture Cantonese liar son of whore repeating evil filthy lies again. I happened to have a clip of a YouTube video that is exactly what happened to me in Malaysia neighbourhood.
These Xia suay 5000 year culture and rapist culture specimens ownselves like to be team players that help cronies only and help cronies cover up for crimes yet so shameless Kpkb non stop when other team players help their cronies and cover up for their cronies. That’s how fake and ugly sinkies and mudlanders are indeed.
... can't disagree more.... certainly the best of the bestest trouble makers... be it in the office... in the neighbourhood..
These Xia suay 5000 year culture and rapist culture specimens ownselves like to be team players that help cronies only and help cronies cover up for crimes yet so shameless Kpkb non stop when other team players help their cronies and cover up for their cronies. That’s how fake and ugly sinkies and mudlanders are indeed.
..even YouTube oso can't tahan ur nonsense.. n decided to bar u ..
Exactly like how fake and ugly prcs are too singing praise of ccp until they become wuhan-ed themselves then they Kpkb.
Have you tried white meat in your yellow cunt?
And that’s why there are still prcs singing praise of ccp till today. Because they are fake team players with no kindness for strangers and only care for themselves their families and their cronies only so as long as they are not the ones affected, they will twist the one or two complaining to trouble maker.
Isn’t this holy truth and the root of all problems including Coronavirus?
Who wants to debate with you? LolYou Xia suay Malaysian Chinese dog liar son of whore can’t debate properly to win everyday use sex sex sex to attack woman no wonder Angmoh the best.