Admit u are loser, dickhead..
LOL!... Still want to tell me that you are dumb and stupid. LOL!...
LOL!... Still want to tell me that you are dumb and stupid. LOL!...
To survive in sinkieland, one needs to be brain-dead. So neither conservative nor liberal, but zombie?We should be conservatives ...otherwise, cannot survive in sinkapore.
No lah. I am one of the non-zombies. That's why suffering and looking forward to our ubah.LOL!.... Now you want to find excuses for being dumb and stupid? LOL!....
nothing wrong for being as's the left wing bleeding heart liberal fuckwits n trouble makers that I worry about. They are the ones that destroy countries n societies with their BSTo survive in sinkieland, one needs to be brain-dead. So neither conservative nor liberal, but zombie?
LOL!.... Now you want to find excuses for being dumb and stupid? LOL!....
LOL!... Now you want to tell me that you are a dumb and stupid shithead? LOL!....Quiting? Told you you are a shithead... jiak leow bee.
LOL!... Now you want to tell me that you are a dumb and stupid shithead? LOL!....
LOL!... You never fail to tell me that you are dumb and stupid. LOL!...Never fail to reply... dickhead..
nothing wrong for being as's the left wing bleeding heart liberal fuckwits n trouble makers that I worry about. They are the ones that destroy countries n societies with their BS
"Progressive" tax rates are not progressive at all, they are actually regressive ..........
I agree. Humans are born conservatives. It is the brain washing education we received that turned us in left wing bleeding heart liberals. We need to embrace our instincts. We are animals ...we fight for everything and take no enemies. There is no place for kindness, compassion, consideration ....everyone to himself.
Sinkapore is the best place for Conservatives. We have a government that promotes, defends and practices Conservatism to the T and have created a distinctive version called Kiasuism.
A good society is one where everyone will voluntarily be a Good Samaritan. A socialist society is one where the government or, to be more precise, the majority of voters force everyone to be a Good Samaritan via the imposition of taxes. I should be free to make my own choice of whether to spend my hard earned money (nett of taxes for essential services ONLY like fire brigade, police force, street lightning and not non-essential transfer payments like sick care for smokers who voluntarily poison themselves and those who inhale their second hand poison or pensions for those who don’t have the discipline to save) should be spent on:
1) my family’s healthcare, education, pension, etc.
2) charitable donations to causes which I deem worthy
3) any indulgence which suits my fancy like blowing it all in Vegas (I can only be virtuous if I am free to sin but choose not to out of my own free will).
In a socialist society, I am forced to be a Good Samaritan by the government taking 2 months of my annual income every year to subsidise good for nothings who are not related to me and for whom I don’t give two hoots whether they are dead or alive, when 2 weeks of my annual income would have sufficed to pay for really essential public goods like clean and safe streets, etc.
These low SES people say there will be no social harmony if “society” does not subsidise their pensions, sick care, housing, whatever. Are they going to riot if these things are not provided to them? Isn’t this a form of EXTORTION?
Watch and learn:
A good society is one where everyone will voluntarily be a Good Samaritan. A socialist society is one where the government or, to be more precise, the majority of voters force everyone to be a Good Samaritan via the imposition of taxes. I should be free to make my own choice of whether to spend my hard earned money (nett of taxes for essential services ONLY like fire brigade, police force, street lightning and not non-essential transfer payments like sick care for smokers who voluntarily poison themselves and those who inhale their second hand poison or pensions for those who don’t have the discipline to save) should be spent on:
1) my family’s healthcare, education, pension, etc.
2) charitable donations to causes which I deem worthy
3) any indulgence which suits my fancy like blowing it all in Vegas (I can only be virtuous if I am free to sin but choose not to out of my own free will).
In a socialist society, I am forced to be a Good Samaritan by the government taking 2 months of my annual income every year to subsidise good for nothings who are not related to me and for whom I don’t give two hoots whether they are dead or alive, when 2 weeks of my annual income would have sufficed to pay for really essential public goods like clean and safe streets, etc.
These low SES people say there will be no social harmony if “society” does not subsidise their pensions, sick care, housing, whatever. Are they going to riot if these things are not provided to them? Isn’t this a form of EXTORTION?
Watch and learn:
Yes, you are so correct. The Scandinavians have got it all wrong. They are happy for what? The lack of competition amongst them deprives individuals the opportunity to beat up each other. There is just too much harmony there. What a waste of taxpayer's money to provide childcare, healthcare, education, unemployment support and pension. Instead of providing for all, let people fight it out. The winner takes all approach that has propel the US should be adopted by all. Every society should have lots of people serving the Conservatives, I mean the rich because only Conservatives have the mindset to achieve wealth.
Let's be self-centered, selfish and treat those who are not as successful as us like dirts. Long live Conservatives (yes, we will live longer because we focus on our own interests well).
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