I have never taken part in such a useless way of rebelling/protesting, whether at Hong Lim Park or anywhere else.
And the GE2015 result is the proof:
I dare say that at both GE2011 and GE2015, at least roughly
45% of the valid votes were from
women, and at least another roughly 15% from male civil/public servants (including regulars in the SAF and Police), male employees of GLCs, and old men in their 60s and 70s.
And for GE2015, the remaining 10% came from new citizens, ignorant/delusional/cowardly/greedy male Sinkie first-time voters in their 20s, and finally at least 100,000 (at least 4% of the eligible voters) male voters who voted for some opposition party at GE2011
but flipped and voted for the PAP at GE2015. :*:
Whether it's small or big, the key thing is to rebel
correctly, or in the
correct way.

I dare say, as an individual, I have already rebelled correctly in my own
special low-profile way in
real life and to the
best of my ability, but that's a
secret that I will only reveal to certain people in private.