And how can they prove they are not on speaking terms?

In any case, the government doesn't care whether they are on speaking terms.
The government only cares whether the patient has any
immediate family members (i.e. spouse, children, parents and/or siblings), who will be deemed by the government to be
responsible for providing so-called
"social safety nets" for their immediate family member.
Basically, it's just another one of the many forms of not-so-obvious taxation.
Otherwise, out of roughly one million Sinkie households, not only can there easily be at least 100,000 (yes,
one hundred thousand) really poor and jobless adults for whom the government will have to
waste the revenue it receives from regular
taxpayers to provide
free basic necessities and healthcare for such adults to prevent them from becoming a
widespread (and, therefore, obvious) social problem; the
fertility rate of
fertile Sinkie women will also
increase significantly (because of much less stress due to much lower
real taxation), which the "elite" of the "New World Order" is certainly against:
Anyway, the hospital will only sue the immediate family members if the hospital bill is above a certain amount.
I don't know what the hospital's threshold is, but
S$10,000 is certainly an amount that the hospital would want to