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This is how CCP Tiong kids are brought up. If you have a gun, you would have shot him to death.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tiongcock's one-child policy can only breed selfish, self-centred and self-entitled personality. It brings me great joy when I see tiongs chopping each other with knives.


What is the fuss sll about?
Looked like a kid insisting his rights are not violated.
He wants to play with rockstone, mata or whatever uncle say cannot, and he said he want to kill uncle and repeated many times.

Actually I also don't know what the fuck he is screaming about. All I know is I have a gun, I will just shoot him.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
This is the 5000 years of bullshit CCP Chinese traditions. The actual Chinese customs were destroyed by CCP long ago during the cultural revolution.


He wants to play with rockstone, mata or whatever uncle say cannot, and he said he want to kill uncle and repeated many times.

Actually I also don't know what the fuck he is screaming about. All I know is I have a gun, I will just shoot him.

dont kill him, just aim for his knee caps


Alfrescian (Inf)
He is the right age. When he is in his forties, China would have control over Singapore and he could be posted to Singapore to oversee the PAP ruling party.