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This is fucked


Alfrescian (Inf)
Not true also

How many malays were then in this little island,it is 4,800,000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 now,yet the land has grown by only about 10%,I think that makes the difference,work out the ratio pl.

PAP world class leaders must grow our land,there is no other way about it,we as voters of Little Dot,demand so,or sack all thse jokers.

Btw sinkeeland was kicked out from matland. Kicked out. If not it would still be a part of matland.


Singaporean lost its existence in Singapore. I went travelling around this island today. Went to Nokia, Samsung and Epicenter where all the counters are manned by pinoy. Than I went to Shenton Way, Alexandra distripark and Toa payoh center, these places were swamped with Indian office workers. In the past couple of weeks, I kept receiving call from china woman requesting you to give time for survey. Than there is this science park, a mixture of different nationalities. The MRT were crammed and these passengers were mostly china boys and girls talking their mother tongue, we also have other nationals who spoke their own national language too, korean, burmese, pinoy, China, indonesia, which formed the bulk of foreigners in Singapore. Whereas those identifiable Singaporeans were all looking very depressed and stressed.

That boils down to one question, why are our men still holding rifle. Who are they trying to protect? We should think carefully what Singapore meant to us, are we fucked by pap policies of letting foreigners flood us, sell our national assets, plunged our billions of savings, locked our CPF and called us lesser mortal?

We should let malaysia invade us, throw our rifle away and put foreigners to test their loyalty to this island. If I have only one bullet, it is best used in GKY's ass and let it blow into pieces.

no no no, conclusion is, u r fucked....and fucked badly.


Don't even need to mention our Malay 'original' son of the soil.

The Red Indians were also damn tulan. Same for the Aborigines for the same reasons.

We, the current citizens are just like a passing cloud. If we think we deserve our jobs more than anyone else, then go on, continue to spend your time thinking till the lizards come home.

Act now! Do something! Go somewhere else, take over their jobs and let their citizens guard your little baggage. Let them whine about you. You would definitely be happier, wouldn't you!?


true sinkies are all fuck by PAP no doubt about it!

PAP and their cronies get special treatment (esp in court case) and their children get special treatment via White Horse category.

The normal sinkies are fuck big time by PAP. Have to serve NS and die. FT like PAP suck all money and go back live like KING!

FT is suppressing the wages to super low level in sinkapoor but once back home they live in their newly built bungalows.

I dont see how FT is helping sinkaPoor as per the chao cheebye PAP!


I had an extremely frustrating experience lately when I book a tickets in one travel agencies..and served by a Burmese..my god ..she cant understand simple English..cannot conveyed her words properly..cannot understand her jobs and airlines rules that I need to tell her what to check and do...UNTIL none local singapore girl[ colleage] cant stand it anymore...can over her desk and help her to complete the booking!!!!!!!!!!!..
are we first world????????

with ONE IN FOUR on the road as new foreigners ......we really feel the squeeze and impact all over............

our gabmen must review and crutinize the exasperation of the local folks before such sentiments EXPLODES into uncontrolled resentments!!!!!!!!!

angie II

Alfrescian (Inf)
We should let malaysia invade us, throw our rifle away and put foreigners to test their loyalty to this island. If I have only one bullet, it is best used in GKY's ass and let it blow into pieces.




We are going down the same path as France. Their football team comprises mostly Africans, their last hope at Roland Garros was an African, they are 'ruled' by a Hungarian, and in general they are such a chapalang society.

Our country is going to the dogs.


I've said it before and I'll say it again... now you know how the Malays felt when the colonial rulers allowed the chinks to overrun the country a century ago. :rolleyes:

lang ah! those early mat only know how to fish, part time sea robber, resting under the hunt, fuck their wifes etc , without our early fore father there will be no singapore aka sillypore today, dumb ass dumb statement!


fuck you! don't compare the current thrashes to our fore fathers!:oIo: typical pap asses statement...

I think that is uncalled for. Early migrants were generally made up of low wage workers, there is no grounds for comparison. Having spell "trash" wrongly, a very simple word, you have portray yourself a dim witted angry person.

I know you'll be coming back with verbal abuse, so, say all you like, your points are useless, as are you.


remember to throw away your reservist notice next time when you receive it.

this will teach them a lesson....

and let him go to jail? Why dont you do that the next time. Typical sinkie behaviour of trying to wait for someone else to do the dirty work. And then blame him.


fuck you! don't compare the current thrashes to our fore fathers!:oIo: typical pap asses statement...

what great did your forefather do that the current FT is not doing? Your forefather was a coolie. Today's FT is a cyber coolie. What's the difference?


lang ah! those early mat only know how to fish, part time sea robber, resting under the hunt, fuck their wifes etc , without our early fore father there will be no singapore aka sillypore today, dumb ass dumb statement!

same reason is given by the current employers to bring in the FT. The current crop of workers in Singapore is pathetic. Hence more FT.


I have taken the liberty to thumb up the slightly better-educated people who commented meaningfully in this thread.


Singaporean lost its existence in Singapore. I went travelling around this island today. Went to Nokia, Samsung and Epicenter where all the counters are manned by pinoy. Than I went to Shenton Way, Alexandra distripark and Toa payoh center, these places were swamped with Indian office workers. In the past couple of weeks, I kept receiving call from china woman requesting you to give time for survey. Than there is this science park, a mixture of different nationalities. The MRT were crammed and these passengers were mostly china boys and girls talking their mother tongue, we also have other nationals who spoke their own national language too, korean, burmese, pinoy, China, indonesia, which formed the bulk of foreigners in Singapore. Whereas those identifiable Singaporeans were all looking very depressed and stressed.

That boils down to one question, why are our men still holding rifle. Who are they trying to protect? We should think carefully what Singapore meant to us, are we fucked by pap policies of letting foreigners flood us, sell our national assets, plunged our billions of savings, locked our CPF and called us lesser mortal?

We should let malaysia invade us, throw our rifle away and put foreigners to test their loyalty to this island. If I have only one bullet, it is best used in GKY's ass and let it blow into pieces.
Mai lah....today workplace is 70% jiuhu liao

Where got need to invade?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mai lah....today workplace is 70% jiuhu liao

Where got need to invade?
You quoted my post 15 years ago when Pinky Loong was freshly made PM? Now 2024 already, Pinky Loong stepped down and left with unsatisfactory legacy which made Singapore worse, cost of living shot to the roof as compared to 2009 when 5 room HDB was still quite affordable and $600K is considerered high-end price in 2009. Now we see HDB selling beyond a million dollar mark. Did sinkies salary increase to 1 million dollar annually? Bah Chor Mee already minimum $5 small portion (cronies selling $6.00), while in 2009 Bah Chor Mee cost only $2.50 big portion. KNNBCB!