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This is fucked


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singaporean lost its existence in Singapore. I went travelling around this island today. Went to Nokia, Samsung and Epicenter where all the counters are manned by pinoy. Than I went to Shenton Way, Alexandra distripark and Toa payoh center, these places were swamped with Indian office workers. In the past couple of weeks, I kept receiving call from china woman requesting you to give time for survey. Than there is this science park, a mixture of different nationalities. The MRT were crammed and these passengers were mostly china boys and girls talking their mother tongue, we also have other nationals who spoke their own national language too, korean, burmese, pinoy, China, indonesia, which formed the bulk of foreigners in Singapore. Whereas those identifiable Singaporeans were all looking very depressed and stressed.

That boils down to one question, why are our men still holding rifle. Who are they trying to protect? We should think carefully what Singapore meant to us, are we fucked by pap policies of letting foreigners flood us, sell our national assets, plunged our billions of savings, locked our CPF and called us lesser mortal?

We should let malaysia invade us, throw our rifle away and put foreigners to test their loyalty to this island. If I have only one bullet, it is best used in GKY's ass and let it blow into pieces.


Singaporean lost its existence in Singapore. I went travelling around this island today. Went to Nokia, Samsung and Epicenter where all the counters are manned by pinoy. Than I went to Shenton Way, Alexandra distripark and Toa payoh center, these places were swamped with Indian office workers. In the past couple of weeks, I kept receiving call from china woman requesting you to give time for survey. Than there is this science park, a mixture of different nationalities. The MRT were crammed and these passengers were mostly china boys and girls talking their mother tongue, we also have other nationals who spoke their own national language too, korean, burmese, pinoy, China, indonesia, which formed the bulk of foreigners in Singapore. Whereas those identifiable Singaporeans were all looking very depressed and stressed.

That boils down to one question, why are our men still holding rifle. Who are they trying to protect? We should think carefully what Singapore meant to us, are we fucked by pap policies of letting foreigners flood us, sell our national assets, plunged our billions of savings, locked our CPF and called us lesser mortal?

We should let malaysia invade us, throw our rifle away and put foreigners to test their loyalty to this island. If I have only one bullet, it is best used in GKY's ass and let it blow into pieces.

remember to throw away your reservist notice next time when you receive it.

this will teach them a lesson....
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Remember, a hundred years ago, our fore fathers were FT, too.

That's why. Just because there was no sammyboy internet forum during the Straits Settlement period doesn't mean the indigenous Malays only know fishing and did not actually whine and complain about Chinese, Indian and Caucasian immigrants. Point up.


Remember, a hundred years ago, our fore fathers were FT, too.

Of course a hundred years ago, here is a British colony! but on/after 9th August 1965, Singapore is a Nation. I serve National Service and have more than 10 reservist In-camp-trainings. Those FTs who come here is no more same as our parents or grand-parents who came here before 1965.

Look at the FTs now. Most of them are not better than us, like those kelings who possess Bachelor or Master degree can only do the jobs like Admin Asst.
And those younger FTs are employed to displace the older Singapore Citizens.
The company has to spend more resources to train them and accomodate them, yet what they can contribute is much much less than the so call Degree qualification to promise?!


So what if it was a British colony? The people of the British Commonwealth are all considered British subjects and could quality for a British passport anyway (though vacancies for that were limited).

Now it is a nation, of multicultural peoples of all races and creeds. These are the core principles Singapore was founded upon, don't you ever forget that.

Remember, a hundred years ago, our fore fathers were FT, too.

Of course a hundred years ago, here is a British colony! but on/after 9th August 1965, Singapore is a Nation. I serve National Service and have more than 10 reservist In-camp-trainings. Those FTs who come here is no more same as our parents or grand-parents who came here before 1965.

Look at the FTs now. Most of them are not better than us, like those kelings who possess Bachelor or Master degree can only do the jobs like Admin Asst.
And those younger FTs are employed to displace the older Singapore Citizens.
The company has to spend more resources to train them and accomodate them, yet what they can contribute is much much less than the so call Degree qualification to promise?!


How do you know? Do you run a company? If they have to spend more overall mainly to train foreigners they might as well employ locals.

And if they still feel it's worth it then why is that? Cos locals generally have a fucked up work attitude, that's what. Isn't the job-hopping rate of Singaporeans know to be very high even in the good times as revealed in the local media?

The company has to spend more resources to train them and accomodate them, yet what they can contribute is much much less than the so call Degree qualification to promise?!


That boils down to one question, why are our men still holding rifle. Who are they trying to protect? We should think carefully what Singapore meant to us, are we fucked by pap policies of letting foreigners flood us, sell our national assets, plunged our billions of savings, locked our CPF and called us lesser mortal?

Holding rifle does not mean anything. I understand your feeling. You sweat and bleed for the so call country, other not doing the same still got the same thing.

Try think of it that when come to war, maybe you have a better chance to run road or survive. Who care about those white scum and the FT. :oIo:


The national identity is already died. Whatever meritocracy or based on justice and equivalent shit white scum told you and want you to die for it, you go ask them see whether they will do the same.

I bet my last dollar they will not! :oIo:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Singaporean lost its existence in Singapore.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... now you know how the Malays felt when the colonial rulers allowed the chinks to overrun the country a century ago. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I've said it before and I'll say it again... now you know how the Malays felt when the colonial rulers allowed the chinks to overrun the country a century ago. :rolleyes:

what about when the malay overrun the natives who were living in malaysia for 60 000 yrs.
the new comer now the malay call it their land. it was the natives.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I've said it before and I'll say it again... now you know how the Malays felt when the colonial rulers allowed the chinks to overrun the country a century ago. :rolleyes:

what about when the malay overrun the natives who were living in malaysia for 60 000 yrs.
the new comer now the malay call it their land. it was the natives.

It's okay if the malays do the overrunning.

Btw the best years of SG was due to a chinese majority.


Why dun you remember million years ago then when your ancestor was ape and was walking naked eating banana. Go be like them then :biggrin:

Try telling TeeKee that his forefather Adam was an ape.


I've said it before and I'll say it again... now you know how the Malays felt when the colonial rulers allowed the chinks to overrun the country a century ago. :rolleyes:
Not true also

How many malays were then in this little island,it is 4,800,000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 now,yet the land has grown by only about 10%,I think that makes the difference,work out the ratio pl.

PAP world class leaders must grow our land,there is no other way about it,we as voters of Little Dot,demand so,or sack all thse jokers.


That boils down to one question, why are our men still holding rifle. Who are they trying to protect? We should think carefully what Singapore meant to us, are we fucked by pap policies of letting foreigners flood us, sell our national assets, plunged our billions of savings, locked our CPF and called us lesser mortal?

We should let malaysia invade us, throw our rifle away and put foreigners to test their loyalty to this island. If I have only one bullet, it is best used in GKY's ass and let it blow into pieces.

Well said! :cool: