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today no eat medicine again. Lol
And you are using Cantonese to curse me again you evil cheap Cantonese dog son of prostitute pretending to be hokkien Pui!You stupid fool. Sor har sor har gum.
You don't have the chips to play with me.
Why should I post my photo here when I'm anonymous? . Sor har sor har gum Yong. You don't have the chips. Your address name and IC is known to everyone. They can arrest you. You fucking pervert fool.
Since you said they whistled at you, just post it now.
I will report you.
It is you Cantonese con man son of prostitute dare not accept my challenge to show face and not me can’t accept your fake challenge post photo when I have no photo of your fellow dog Pui!You fucking pervert fool sor har sor har gum.. You think everyone is like you want to provide people with pte information of yourself?
Or else why you asked me to post my face here?
Long time ago I'd already warned you this.It is you Cantonese con man son of prostitute dare not accept my challenge to show face and not me can’t accept your fake challenge post photo when I have no photo of your fellow dog Pui!
More lies from your evil cheap Cantonese dog son of prostitute mouth that I dress inappropriately in public, long nipple, prostitute chicken slut etc etc . 真够贱广东狗 hiding in rat hole do defamation crimes to Gansiokbin warn me Pui!Long time ago I'd already warned you this.
The whole world is eyeing on your long dark nipple but you doesn't believe and continue to dress inappropriately.
Tell that to your SELF ADMITTED CANTONESE DIRTY SLUT MOTHER AND YOURSELF ONCE A CHEAP ADULTERER ALWAYS A CHEAP ADULTERER PUI! So evil so cheap Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes use stolen company to do evil to Gansiokbin defaming hokkien virgin as slut whore mistress non stop. Pui!I really hate the word “slut” as it is degrading and disrespectful and I would never call anyone by that name. But I have dated two girls who are considered “sluts” by society. They are actually really nice girls. Fun, energetic, outgoing, have great taste in music and art, and very physically attractive, but they are a bit simple minded to be quite honest. They were… academically challenged, so to speak. None of them graduated high school because they were too distracted by boys because they were really pretty and all the boys were on to them. They knew really well what effect they had on the boys, so they had choices.
They are smart in their own ways. Smart in tricking and manipulating people into believing that they feel guilty of their past and they have changed their infidelity ways in relationships. The ones I have had experiences with were really convincing in the way they provided reassurance. They weren’t teenagers anymore when I dated them, one was 27 and the other was a bit more mature at 33 years of age. I know really well of their past but I am one of the few that believe people can change if they wanted to, and when they feel like they need to change, because deep down they know that they want to change.
None of them proved my thoughts correct. The 27 year old one was secretly inviting different guys to her house during the times I was at work. She mostly stayed at my place during weekends. On weekdays, I had to go to work and I usually come home late, so there was less time to spend with her. In between times that I wasn’t with her, she was with different guys. But come the weekends, she would invite herself to my house. So in a way, she was a bit exclusive to me, because she said the most important time to spend with a loved one is during weekends. I didn’t really care at the time. As long as she contacts me and stayed with me and I could feel her true affection, it was enough. One day I came off work early and wanted to surprise her by showing up to her house bringing wine and dinner. When I parked my car at the driveway I saw a car parked outside her house. I rang her bell and she came out to open the door but she was so shocked, she was wearing her sleeping robe, the sexy revealing one. I laughed and asked who’s inside, and she said “a friend” but she didn’t invite me inside. I laughed more and handed her the wine and dinner, told her, you might get hungry after a few rounds. I left her and she didn’t say or did anything to make me stay. I wouldn’t have stayed anyways.
The second girl, who’s a bit more mature, was even more convincing in reassuring me that she had left her old ways behind since 2014. I believed her, as I have known her for 18 years but nothing had happened between us back then when we first knew each other in 2003. We were really good friends, we spent time, went on parties, slept on the same bed but with no sex involved as I had a girlfriend who gave me 100% trust, and I am the kind of guy that holds on to my integrity and responsibilities. Then in early 2020, we started going out on romantic dates. At first I was hesitant to date her as I have known her reputation since the first time knowing her. But after meeting each other again a few times I thought that she had become more mature in her way of thinking, more calm, and more graceful in her appearance, still very attractive and I truly believed that she had changed her infidelity ways. We had sex after the 5th date. My doubts were still there, but she was being so vulnerable with me, a bit insecure, and she asked me to promise to never ever leave her, she’s had enough of guys leaving her, sometimes without even breaking up with her first, they just leave her without saying anything. It made me feel so bad for her and I am not the kind of asshole that would leave a woman without proper closure. I promised her that I would never leave her. Our relationship went perfect the first 2 months and I feel madly in love with this sweet and caring woman. After that, signs of decay started to slowly show. She started to become more and more insecure, accusing me of having feelings for one of her best friends, which was total nonsense. I tried to reassure her that nothing is going on, it didn’t make any sense for me to have any feelings for her best friend, as I was already deeply in love with my woman. Her insecurities grew even more, she started to get jealous of my exes, getting jealous over instagram posts from 6–7 years ago. I even had to delete some posts just to sooth her jealousy and insecurities. Which I did without hesitation and regrets. I did everything I could to make her feel secure around me and believe that she was my one and only. She even wanted to get married with me and she wanted it to happen in a matter of months. I agreed to her idea of getting married. One day she went on holiday with one of her female best friends. During her time she was away I couldn’t help but feel that something is off, she wasn’t behaving the way that she usually does. She usually calls and texts to inform me what she’s up to, without me asking. I’m not the type of insecure boyfriend that texts and calls my girl constantly and ask them what they’re doing every other minute. But on her first night there she promised to call after she gets back to the hotel when they are done with dinner. She never did. Very unlike her. She would always call even if it’s only for 30 seconds, but she would call and let me know whats up and say she missed me and loved me. She didn’t reply to my texts and did not answer my calls until the afternoon. Turns out she got drunk and slept with a guy that her best friend brought along. That explains her insecurities of me having feelings for other girls, she was projecting her insecurities on me. Should have realised the obvious red flags.
So you see, people never really change, no matter how hard they try to convince you. The proverb, “Once a slut, always a slut,” truly will always remain true until the end of time. At least that is my honest opinion according to life experiences.
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Ppl whistle at banana see if will rise or any changes.
How to Tell if Chicken Has Gone Bad
Medically reviewed by Alissa Palladino, MS, RDN, LD, CPT, Nutrition, Personal Training — Written by Katey Davidson, MScFN, RD, CPT — Updated on April 30, 2024
You may be able to tell if chicken is still good by its appearance, smell, and texture. Following safe storage practices can reduce your risk for illness.
Chicken is a versatile, nutritious food that’s a diet staple for many households.
However, like many poultry and meat products, chicken can spoil. This can affect its taste and texture — and in some cases, make you ill.
That’s why it’s important to know how to tell whether chicken has gone bad. Fortunately, you can look for certain signs to make sure you’re eating chicken that is safe to consume.
This article helps you learn how to tell whether chicken has gone bad.
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Appearance and color
Depending on whether you have raw or cooked chicken, there are a few important things to notice in terms of its appearance and color.
Raw chicken
Before preparing chicken, it’s important to look at its appearance for signs of spoilage.
Raw chicken should have a light pink color with white fatty pieces. If the flesh is gray or green or if the fat is yellow in color, this is a sign of spoilage and you should discard the chicken.
That said, it’s normal if there are mild color changes in the chicken’s flesh.
For example, you may observe a slight darkening or fading of the pink flesh, a normal result of oxymyoglobin — a red protein and pigment — converting to metmyoglobin after being exposed to oxygen (1Trusted Source).
Though not always a sign of spoilage, this can mean that the chicken isn’t as fresh. Fresh chicken should still only be stored in the fridge for 1-2 days, if not cooked before then, it should be frozen (2).
Typically, as long as the chicken is safely stored in the refrigerator or freezer, mild color changes are normal.
Finally, if you notice any visible signs of spoilage, such as mold growth, throw the chicken out. Unlike with hard cheese, you can’t just cut off a small section where mold growth has occurred, so you should discard the entire piece or batch of chicken (3).
Spoiled chicken may be slimy or sticky to the touch or have an off odor. If you notice any of these things, discard the meat (3).
Cooked chicken should be white, with no pink pieces of flesh. Pink flesh is a sign of undercooked chicken.
If you’re storing chicken as leftovers, be sure to keep it in the refrigerator at 40°F (4°C) or less, in a sealed container for a maximum of 3 days.
And be sure to put it right in the fridge after cooking or eating — chicken can spoil if left out in the “temperature danger zone” of 40°F (4°C) to 140°F (60°C) for more than a few hours.
This is a temperature range in which bacteria grows exponentially and increases the risk for foodborne illness (2).
If you notice any visible signs of mold growth or color changes between the time you put the chicken in the refrigerate and when you intend to eat it, throw it away (2).
It can be difficult to spot mold or color changes if there are any seasonings or dressings on the chicken.
That’s why you should eat the chicken within 3 days of cooking it. Be sure to reheat the chicken to at least 165°F (74°C), using a food thermometer to measure its internal temperature (2, 4Trusted Source).
A telltale sign of bad chicken is a foul smell.
Raw, fresh chicken will have a very mild smell or none at all. If your chicken has a very apparent smell, such as a sour or sulfur-like smell similar to rotten eggs, throw it out.
However, you should never rely on smell alone to determine if chicken is safe to eat.
People’s sense of smell can vary, which means not everyone will notice a change in the smell of chicken. So, look out for other signs of spoilage as well (5).
Fresh raw chicken has a glossy, somewhat soft texture.
It shouldn’t be slimy, sticky, or tacky. If your hands have a slimy residue on them after touching raw chicken, this is a sign it has gone bad.
Cooked chicken is firm and drier than raw chicken. If you notice any texture changes, such as increased softness, sliminess, stickiness, or residue, it’s likely no longer safe to eat (6).
Along with clear signs of spoilage, you will want to make note of the dates listed on the package as well as consider when you purchased the chicken (2, 7).
First, always look at the use-by date before purchasing chicken. You may notice that a package of chicken can have two dates listed on it: a “pack date” and a “best if used by” date.
The first refers to the date the chicken was packaged and is intended for use by manufacturers and retailers, rather than consumers.
Instead, the “use by” date is the one you should refer to. This is the date by which the manufacturer recommends you use the food in order to experience “peak quality.”
If you plan to eat chicken within 1–2 days, you can choose a package that’s approaching its use-by date, which is usually on sale. If you’re not going to use fresh chicken by its use-by date, it’s best to freeze it for later use (2).
It’s also best to grab raw chicken at the end of your grocery trip. This reduces the time it spends in your cart in the danger zone.
Be sure to take the chicken home immediately and place it in the fridge or freezer.
In the freezer, chicken can last up to at least 9 months, provided it’s tightly sealed. (Though the FDA notes chicken can remain in a freezer indefinitely, the quality may diminish if left in too long.) Before putting the chicken in the freezer, write the purchase date on the package to keep track (2, 8Trusted Source).
In the fridge, fresh uncooked chicken can last 1–2 days (2, 8Trusted Source).
If you have already cooked the chicken, you need to eat it within 3-4 days, and you should always store it in the refrigerator.
Being able to tell when your chicken has gone bad will help keep you and your family safe from foodborne illness.
Fresh raw chicken is usually a light pink color with white pieces of fat, has little to no odor, and is soft and moist. If your chicken is slimy, has a foul smell, or has changed to a yellow, green, or gray color, these are signs that your chicken has gone bad.
Toss any chicken that’s past its use-by date, has been in the fridge for more than 2 days raw or 4 day cooked, or has been in the temperature danger zone for over 2 hours.
Though these signs are useful, the saying rings true: “When in doubt, throw it out.”
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she made up story one lah. she think she supermodel chiobu but actually she's a laocockcock aunty already
she made up story one lah. she think she supermodel chiobu but actually she's a laocockcock aunty already
You ASPD Cantonese criminal bully dogS sonS of prostituteS telling lies and mental disorder ARE you Pui
Now you know why Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes cannot retire earlyNot everyone is as pathetic as you ccb sinkies @steffychun @LaoHongBiscuit @NanoSpeed etc etc that need to suck cock of boss in office and come to forum to bully people to feel good about your pathetic lives Pui!
View attachment 209552
Now you know why Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes cannot retire early
Steal company time to do defamation crimes making up chicken stories with your Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE PRIDE AGAIN AND AGAIN AND THEN ACCUSE ME WHAT U AND YOUR CHEAP WOMEN AFE PUIanyone knows?