Never EVER miss the forest for the trees in front of a road.
It was reported that it was a highly educated NUS young lady whom joined the National Press - Straits Times, who found out about the Rideout issue & wanted to publish her report but was rejected by her superiors, & went on to spill the beans or induced to, to spill the beans to others which led to numerous questions which the National Leadership had to look into, not just Rideout case, but even involving our AG & security forces.
It was SHE who is the CATALYST for the numerous investigative probes into leaders. She is a courageous & an INNOCENT person of interest, not so much for political purposes, but for SCIENTIFIC Knowledge in terms of Anthropology & Psychology, even though she may not EVEN BE AWARE of what she had done, which the insignificant nobody me MUST add.
For years, our courageous & hard headed pragmatic Founding & Forefathers had strived to build a better nation long deprived of Human Rights, succeeded thru Social Engineering beyond normal comprehension, thru numerous initiatives such as anti-corruption, better education, etc, etc that saw our progress where other nations had failed.
What were her motivations, her upbringings, her life trials, etc, etc, that had decimated painstakingly built up efforts at FLAWED Human Social Engineering? AI builders & the master Generative AI would love to learn about her, every second of her life, to improve itself....
She alone, awesomely, prove that even AI will NEVER be able to control Humankind, & may the rest of Humanity retain faith in Humankind, that no matter how cold, efficient, clinical & methodical that AI can become, we Humans WILL overcome ANY obstacles. May we Humanity not rest of laurels or complacency, but FIND means to control AI. It should be WE, progressive, educated & born with FAR superior intelligence that NO AI can match, whom control AI & NOT AI controls us...