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- Jan 23, 2022
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In war you cant sit still do you?
Dear Mr Likemeat. The insignificant nobody me do admire your attempts to defend Islam, which is a religion of Peace.
However, there can be NO defense for Radical Islamists & their followers whom pray & serve DIFFERENT gods - the gods of Jihad & War - in the guise of overfed village morons whom need funds in order to keep themselves in power over naive followers, with control over life & death of Humankind. In reality, they are only mortals POSING as gods on Earth. Thus be careful of WHO you & Muslims are really praying to.
The are NO OTHER gods or 'supreme immortal Beings' than ALLAH- the ALMIGHTY, known by many different names across cultures, time & space, who is ETERNAL & ever compassionate & merciful, & loves us ALL, EACH OF US, as we are HIS creations.
The Koran was NOT written by the DIVINELY GUIDED LAST PROPHET MUHAMMAD, whose mission was to uplift the Arabs from nomadic barbarisms, tribal wars, strife, PEACE, etc & make Mecca- the focal point of worship & not other places on Earth.
The Koran was written by mere & flawed mortals after his passing & in such confusion over testimonials as each companion would shed tears & in flowery Arabic lingo, even swear upon their mother's grave that what they wrote was true, but so too another companion with a conflicting testimonial would do the same, & the sad result - 1200+yrs of Islamic Sectarian strife.....
The ONLY BOOK that ALLAH had written, testified by prophets for those whom believe & shares in monotheism - Muslims, Jews, Christians, was on stone & with only TEN commandments, & kept in the Ark of Covenant, & many whom had been blessed enough had witnessed this Ark over the history of Humankind & far too precious to be revealed to base & flawed Humankind....
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