• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

The real agenda behind Greta


Full article at link above

Greta’s Role
Although many are ready to deny this fact with great vigor (because it goes against their agenda), Greta is merely a pawn. She is controlled by powerful people and big money to promote a specific agenda. The agenda is not merely about climate change – it is about climate change through a very specific angle.

Her role was perfectly defined by Greta herself during a speech at the (very elite) World Economic Forum:

“Adults keep saying we owe it to the young people, to give them hope. But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.”
Panic and fear: Two words that lead to hasty and irrational responses based on negative emotions. And this fear and panic is being thoroughly ingrained into the youth, creating a generation that is convinced that the world is burning.

Greta is the face of a massive push across mass media and the education system to convince children that their “house in on fire”. Since children absorb the information that is given to them without any kind of questioning, this push has created a new worrying phenomenon: Eco-anxiety.

Instead of enjoying their childhood, children are growing up with a sense of dread and impending doom.
Researchers are already linking environmental concerns with cases of anxiety, depression and even suicide. Greta herself communicated this feeling during her speech at the U.N.:
“How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.”
Although Greta might be genuinely concerned about climate change, those behind her have a much darker agenda: To create a generation of children riddled with anxiety and depression, giving the elite carte blanche for drastic measures, ranging from tax hikes to the loss of personal freedoms. And let’s not forget the main goal of it all (which is also the main goal of the elite organizations behind Greta): The creation of a single world government, ruled by the world elite … to combat climate change, of course.

In Conclusion
Any person who dares to take a critical look at the Greta phenomenon is immediately faced with the same backlash: “How dare you bully an autistic girl?” and “You’re a climate denier”. As seen above, this article was not about Greta herself, her looks or her mental health. It was about those behind her, the powerful machine that provided her the platform to become a media darling.

Furthermore, this article was not about “denying” climate change or any other environmental issues. It is about how this issue is “sold” through a specific lens, one that is based on fear, panic, and urgency. Like any other important issue, pollution needs to be addressed in a rational matter, starting with the core sources of the problem. In the U.S., the sectors of transportation, industry and electric power account for over 80% of greenhouse gas emissions. In other words, elite-owned corporations are the main polluters in the world today. They are the ones emitting tons upon tons of carbon dioxide in the air while dumping tons upon tons of toxic waste in water streams. Instead of tackling these industries head-on, the elite parades around an autistic girl, films world leaders clapping at her speeches and encourages children to be afraid.

Why? Because what they are truly looking for is control and submission. And the best way to obtain control and submission is by creating a fearful and panicky population that begs for governments to fix its problems.


From the same author above:

The Vigilant Citizen
Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media

Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable. This article looks at the workings of mass media through the theories of its major thinkers, its power structure and the techniques it uses, in order to understand its true role in society.

Most of the articles on this site discuss occult symbolism found in objects of popular culture. From these articles arise many legitimate questions relating to the purpose of those symbols and the motivations of those who place them there, but it is impossible for me to provide satisfactory answers to these questions without mentioning many other concepts and facts. This article explores the theoretical and methodological background of the analyses presented on this site as well as introducing the main scholars of the field of mass communications. Some people read my articles and think I’m saying “Lady Gaga wants to control our minds”. That is not the case. She is simply a small part of the huge system that is the mass media.

Programming Through Mass Media

Mass media are media forms designed to reach the largest audience possible. They include television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games and the internet. Many studies have been conducted in the past century to measure the effects of mass media on the population in order to discover the best techniques to influence it. From those studies emerged the science of Communications, which is used in marketing, public relations and politics. Mass communication is a necessary tool to ensure the functionality of a large democracy; it is also a necessary tool for a dictatorship. It all depends on its usage.

In the 1958 preface to A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley paints a rather grim portrait of society. He believes it is controlled by an “impersonal force”, a ruling elite, which manipulates the population using various methods.

Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing us all in the direction of the Brave New Worldian nightmare; and this impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of commercial and political organizations who have developed a number of new techniques for manipulating, in the interest of some minority, the thoughts and feelings of the masses.”
– Aldous Huxley, Preface to A Brave New World

His bleak outlook is not a simple hypothesis or a paranoid delusion. It is a documented fact, present in the world’s most important studies on mass media. Here are some of them:

Elite Thinkers
Walter Lippmann

Walter Lippmann, an American intellectual, writer and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner brought forth one of the first works concerning the usage of mass media in America. In Public Opinion (1922), Lippmann compared the masses to a “great beast” and a “bewildered herd” that needed to be guided by a governing class. He described the ruling elite as “a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality.” This class is composed of experts, specialists, and bureaucrats. According to Lippmann, the experts, who often are referred to as “elites,” are to be a machinery of knowledge that circumvents the primary defect of democracy, the impossible ideal of the “omnicompetent citizen.” The trampling and roaring “bewildered herd” has its function: to be “the interested spectators of action,” i.e. not participants. Participation is the duty of “the responsible man”, which is not the regular citizen.

Mass media and propaganda are therefore tools that must be used by the elite to rule the public without physical coercion. One important concept presented by Lippmann is the “manufacture of consent”, which is, in short, the manipulation of public opinion to accept the elite’s agenda. It is Lippmann’s opinion that the general public is not qualified to reason and to decide on important issues. It is therefore important for the elite to decide “for its own good” and then sell those decisions to the masses

“That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner. A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . . Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach.”
–Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion

It might be interesting to note that Lippmann is one of the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the most influential foreign policy think tank in the world. This fact should give you a small hint of the mind state of the elite concerning the usage of media....


In Conclusion
This article examined the major thinkers in the field of mass media, the media power structure and the techniques used to manipulate the masses. I believe this information is vital to the understanding of the “why” in the topics discussed on The Vigilant Citizen. The “mass population” versus “ruling class” dichotomy described in many articles is not a “conspiracy theory” (again, I hate that term), but a reality that has been clearly stated in the works of some of the 20th century’s most influential men.

Lippmann, Bernays, and Lasswell have all declared that the public is not fit to decide their own fate, which is the inherent goal of democracy. Instead, they called for a cryptocracy, a hidden government, a ruling class in charge of the “bewildered herd.” As their ideas continue to be applied to society, it is increasingly apparent that an ignorant population is not an obstacle that the rulers must deal with: It is something that is DESIRABLE and, indeed, necessary, to ensure total leadership. An ignorant population does not know its rights, does not seek a greater understanding of issues and does not question authorities. It simply follows trends. Popular culture caters to and nurtures ignorance by continually serving up brain-numbing entertainment and spotlighting degenerate celebrities to be idolized.
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.”
– Thomas Jefferson


Alfrescian (Inf)
big fight for ground water.

Google Moves In And Wants To Pump 1.5 Million Gallons Of Water Per Day
May 8, 20175:00 AM ET


Google wants to pump 1.5 million gallons of water per day to cool servers at its data center in Berkeley County, S.C. "It's great to have Google in this region," conservationist Emily Cedzo said. "So by no means are we going after Google ... Our concern, primarily, is the source of that water."
Bruce Smith/AP

When three sacred staples of the South weren't safe from the cloudy, salty water in his town, Clay Duffie knew there was a problem.

"It'd kill your azaleas if you irrigated with it; your grits would come out in a big clump, instead of creamy like they should," Duffie said.

Even the sweet tea.

"Your tea would come out all cloudy," Duffie said. "Oh man, it was bad news."

Duffie, the general manager of Mount Pleasant Waterworks, said before his agency outside Charleston began purifying the water in the early 1990s, the water was also soft; you'd come out of the shower and still feel dirty, he recalled.

Today, Duffie has a new concern — a request by Google for permission from South Carolina regulators to pump more groundwater than they're already entitled to for their data center in nearby Berkeley County.

"We've invested a lot in making sure the groundwater quality that we treat and send to the customers is of high quality. We also want to protect the quantity side of that," Duffie said.

In addition to building several reverse osmosis plants to treat the water, Duffie said the community has spent about $50 million since the mid-1990s to install pipelines and purchase surface water from the Charleston Water System to supplement the water being pumped from underground.

Google currently has the right to pump up to half a million gallons a day at no charge. Now the company is asking to triple that, to 1.5 million. That's close to half of the groundwater that Mount Pleasant Waterworks pumps daily from the same underground aquifer to help supply drinking water to more than 80,000 residents of the area.

Google spokesman Patrick Lenihan said the company needs the water to cool its servers.

"It takes a lot of energy to run a data center, so we use water to cool them down," he said.

Lenihan said Google has brought about 400 jobs to the region, and said the company is taking steps to conserve water and energy while also preparing for the needs of the future.

"The internet is constantly expanding and data centers allow the internet to continue to do that. We're very long-term thinkers in terms of capacity, so we're always preparing for more growth," Lenihan said.

Google wouldn't allow NPR to see the inside of its South Carolina data center, which opened up nearly a decade ago in Berkeley County. But it's in a suburban area surrounded by woods and office buildings, and protected by a guard shack and fence. The only real clues to what's happening inside are a couple of Google logos on signs outside the gate.

Emily Cedzo of the Coastal Conservation League is worried about its impact on the underground aquifer that the community relies on:

"It's great to have Google in this region; folks are proud to say that Google calls Charleston home," Cedzo said. "So by no means are we going after Google ... Our concern, primarily, is the source of that water."

Cedzo notes that in another dry, Southern state, Google is using recycled wastewater at its data center in Douglas County, Ga.

"Google foot the bill for that," Cedzo said. "So if they're doing it there, why can't they do it here?"

Lenihan, the Google spokesman, said the company makes such decisions based on the needs and characteristics of each site. He said Google's consultants settled on groundwater as the preferred option in South Carolina.

"We're a data company; we care a lot about data and making decisions based off of that, so we did a lot of homework," he said.

With its six data centers nationwide, Google is just one of several major tech companies operating centers in relatively dry parts of the country, like eBay in Salt Lake City and Microsoft in San Antonio. A 2016 report by the U.S. Department of Energy noted that as the industry expands, the data center sector is using an increasing amount of water for cooling and electricity generation.

In that report and elsewhere, the federal government is also looking at resource concerns created by its own data centers.

Monica Witt is a sustainability program manager at the federal Los Alamos National Laboratory, which operates several large data centers in New Mexico. Witt says the lab has to share its water with residents of the city of Los Alamos.

"We know that supercomputers and data centers are just going to use more and more water, so communicating to the community how much we're going to use in the next 10 years and planning with them has been really helpful," she said.

Witt said the lab has taken several steps to reduce its water use, including reusing wastewater from toilets, sinks and other sources.

The tech industry as a whole has been a leader in adopting environmentally sustainable practices — like reusing water and opting for renewable energy sources, says Alfonso Ortega, a professor of energy technology at Villanova University.

But for communities that host data centers, Ortega said there are tradeoffs between economic and environmental impacts.

"The consumption of their water competes with every other need for that water," Ortega said. "One would hope that community leaders would be able to balance the benefits of having that data center in the community compared to the water that they're going to consume."

In South Carolina, Google's request for more water is also raising concerns from Rep. Mark Sanford, who recently wrote a letter urging state regulators to take their time developing a comprehensive plan for managing groundwater, and to delay Google's permit request until more information can be gathered.

Duffie said, in some ways, he's pleased that the debate over Google's data center is heightening local awareness about the long-term sustainability of the water supply.

"It's raised the issue that these resources are not limitless," he said, "that we do need to manage them."


Alfrescian (Inf)
Full article at link above

Greta’s Role
Although many are ready to deny this fact with great vigor (because it goes against their agenda), Greta is merely a pawn. She is controlled by powerful people and big money to promote a specific agenda. The agenda is not merely about climate change – it is about climate change through a very specific angle.

Her role was perfectly defined by Greta herself during a speech at the (very elite) World Economic Forum:

Panic and fear: Two words that lead to hasty and irrational responses based on negative emotions. And this fear and panic is being thoroughly ingrained into the youth, creating a generation that is convinced that the world is burning.

Greta is the face of a massive push across mass media and the education system to convince children that their “house in on fire”. Since children absorb the information that is given to them without any kind of questioning, this push has created a new worrying phenomenon: Eco-anxiety.

Instead of enjoying their childhood, children are growing up with a sense of dread and impending doom.
Researchers are already linking environmental concerns with cases of anxiety, depression and even suicide. Greta herself communicated this feeling during her speech at the U.N.:

Although Greta might be genuinely concerned about climate change, those behind her have a much darker agenda: To create a generation of children riddled with anxiety and depression, giving the elite carte blanche for drastic measures, ranging from tax hikes to the loss of personal freedoms. And let’s not forget the main goal of it all (which is also the main goal of the elite organizations behind Greta): The creation of a single world government, ruled by the world elite … to combat climate change, of course.

In Conclusion
Any person who dares to take a critical look at the Greta phenomenon is immediately faced with the same backlash: “How dare you bully an autistic girl?” and “You’re a climate denier”. As seen above, this article was not about Greta herself, her looks or her mental health. It was about those behind her, the powerful machine that provided her the platform to become a media darling.

Furthermore, this article was not about “denying” climate change or any other environmental issues. It is about how this issue is “sold” through a specific lens, one that is based on fear, panic, and urgency. Like any other important issue, pollution needs to be addressed in a rational matter, starting with the core sources of the problem. In the U.S., the sectors of transportation, industry and electric power account for over 80% of greenhouse gas emissions. In other words, elite-owned corporations are the main polluters in the world today. They are the ones emitting tons upon tons of carbon dioxide in the air while dumping tons upon tons of toxic waste in water streams. Instead of tackling these industries head-on, the elite parades around an autistic girl, films world leaders clapping at her speeches and encourages children to be afraid.

Why? Because what they are truly looking for is control and submission. And the best way to obtain control and submission is by creating a fearful and panicky population that begs for governments to fix its problems.

Alamak, another fake news from the CONs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
big fight for ground water.

Google Moves In And Wants To Pump 1.5 Million Gallons Of Water Per Day
May 8, 20175:00 AM ET

View attachment 66517
Google wants to pump 1.5 million gallons of water per day to cool servers at its data center in Berkeley County, S.C. "It's great to have Google in this region," conservationist Emily Cedzo said. "So by no means are we going after Google ... Our concern, primarily, is the source of that water."
Bruce Smith/AP

When three sacred staples of the South weren't safe from the cloudy, salty water in his town, Clay Duffie knew there was a problem.

"It'd kill your azaleas if you irrigated with it; your grits would come out in a big clump, instead of creamy like they should," Duffie said.

Even the sweet tea.

"Your tea would come out all cloudy," Duffie said. "Oh man, it was bad news."

Duffie, the general manager of Mount Pleasant Waterworks, said before his agency outside Charleston began purifying the water in the early 1990s, the water was also soft; you'd come out of the shower and still feel dirty, he recalled.

Today, Duffie has a new concern — a request by Google for permission from South Carolina regulators to pump more groundwater than they're already entitled to for their data center in nearby Berkeley County.

"We've invested a lot in making sure the groundwater quality that we treat and send to the customers is of high quality. We also want to protect the quantity side of that," Duffie said.

In addition to building several reverse osmosis plants to treat the water, Duffie said the community has spent about $50 million since the mid-1990s to install pipelines and purchase surface water from the Charleston Water System to supplement the water being pumped from underground.

Google currently has the right to pump up to half a million gallons a day at no charge. Now the company is asking to triple that, to 1.5 million. That's close to half of the groundwater that Mount Pleasant Waterworks pumps daily from the same underground aquifer to help supply drinking water to more than 80,000 residents of the area.

Google spokesman Patrick Lenihan said the company needs the water to cool its servers.

"It takes a lot of energy to run a data center, so we use water to cool them down," he said.

Lenihan said Google has brought about 400 jobs to the region, and said the company is taking steps to conserve water and energy while also preparing for the needs of the future.

"The internet is constantly expanding and data centers allow the internet to continue to do that. We're very long-term thinkers in terms of capacity, so we're always preparing for more growth," Lenihan said.

Google wouldn't allow NPR to see the inside of its South Carolina data center, which opened up nearly a decade ago in Berkeley County. But it's in a suburban area surrounded by woods and office buildings, and protected by a guard shack and fence. The only real clues to what's happening inside are a couple of Google logos on signs outside the gate.

Emily Cedzo of the Coastal Conservation League is worried about its impact on the underground aquifer that the community relies on:

"It's great to have Google in this region; folks are proud to say that Google calls Charleston home," Cedzo said. "So by no means are we going after Google ... Our concern, primarily, is the source of that water."

Cedzo notes that in another dry, Southern state, Google is using recycled wastewater at its data center in Douglas County, Ga.

"Google foot the bill for that," Cedzo said. "So if they're doing it there, why can't they do it here?"

Lenihan, the Google spokesman, said the company makes such decisions based on the needs and characteristics of each site. He said Google's consultants settled on groundwater as the preferred option in South Carolina.

"We're a data company; we care a lot about data and making decisions based off of that, so we did a lot of homework," he said.

With its six data centers nationwide, Google is just one of several major tech companies operating centers in relatively dry parts of the country, like eBay in Salt Lake City and Microsoft in San Antonio. A 2016 report by the U.S. Department of Energy noted that as the industry expands, the data center sector is using an increasing amount of water for cooling and electricity generation.

In that report and elsewhere, the federal government is also looking at resource concerns created by its own data centers.

Monica Witt is a sustainability program manager at the federal Los Alamos National Laboratory, which operates several large data centers in New Mexico. Witt says the lab has to share its water with residents of the city of Los Alamos.

"We know that supercomputers and data centers are just going to use more and more water, so communicating to the community how much we're going to use in the next 10 years and planning with them has been really helpful," she said.

Witt said the lab has taken several steps to reduce its water use, including reusing wastewater from toilets, sinks and other sources.

The tech industry as a whole has been a leader in adopting environmentally sustainable practices — like reusing water and opting for renewable energy sources, says Alfonso Ortega, a professor of energy technology at Villanova University.

But for communities that host data centers, Ortega said there are tradeoffs between economic and environmental impacts.

"The consumption of their water competes with every other need for that water," Ortega said. "One would hope that community leaders would be able to balance the benefits of having that data center in the community compared to the water that they're going to consume."

In South Carolina, Google's request for more water is also raising concerns from Rep. Mark Sanford, who recently wrote a letter urging state regulators to take their time developing a comprehensive plan for managing groundwater, and to delay Google's permit request until more information can be gathered.

Duffie said, in some ways, he's pleased that the debate over Google's data center is heightening local awareness about the long-term sustainability of the water supply.

"It's raised the issue that these resources are not limitless," he said, "that we do need to manage them."

One day Google will control the water supply of the world. Better invest in GOOG.


Alfrescian (Inf)
One day Google will control the water supply of the world. Better invest in GOOG.
gobbledygook can rescue hyfucks. after all, they have loads of money, can anyhow spend, and they need both water and power. hyfucks newater can be used better as a data center coolant than potable water. it's time for gobbledygook to start using recycled shit water.