Trump will share hotcakes will Kim will drink Soju.Breakfast meeting is very good
old man and fat boytrump and kim considered men or boys?
Just make sure the secret service won't be jealous.They should meet at Tommy's place in Geylang. (1612) After some initial chit chat and formal exchange of pleasantries they can proceed upstairs to fuck some broads and this will put them in a good mood for the rest of the day.
If the right girls are chosen they'll be far better than the loose pussies of Stormy Daniels and Melania.
Nothing like some good sex to ensure a meaningful and successful outcome to the summit.
the road sweeper machines will lessen the impact of heavy rains in case of ponding and the canals will be drained and cleared of sediments. heck, even the traffic lights will be wiped. already the fighter jets have made their recce this morning over plb and the city, with a noticeable presence of police cars today. sinkie boleh!The weathermen better pray that there is no flash flood or once-in-50-years ponding on June 12.