Its not just a matter of the newer generation. The majority of the new generation has been brain-washed by the new age of "equality" between husband and wife. They see it as the men's duty to also be involved in household chores. Going back to the 70s, and the old traditional saying, 男注外女注内, it is the duty of the men to provide income, stability, bread to the family while the wife take care of everything at home. In fact, in Japan, all the husband's income goes into the wife's account. There is nothing wrong with this, it is how a family has always been like this for centuries, even the bible, bro drifter is going to go rampant on me with this, states that the wife should submit to their husband. I really blame the feminist movement for breaking this old fashion but effective way of raising a family. Think of how many families in Singapore needs to have dual income and the high prices of property. All this because of the word "equality" being espouse.
When the husbands lose their jobs & can no longer afford a maid, then you'll see a spike in the divorce rate. For many guys it will probably be welcome a relieve from the nagging they will have to face from their maid-less wives:p Due to the womens charter the husband will of course lose out.
You seem to have a more understanding wife are you an older uncleMany of the younger guys may not be so lucky. The newer generation females can be very heartless & calculative