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I think as minorities,naturally they feel insecure n therefore many will set their tones on the majority as reasons for their problems. In restropect,the chinese minority in msia or indonesia also grumble about their minority status n how the majority treated them.Its human nature.
I guess the other reason lies in the fact that they being laid back,easy going n not in the fast lane as the majority,they feel a certain despair. They have a feeling wrongly that they r taken for a ride which is not true. In the Malay Dilemma,mahatir wrote abt a normal scene in 60s msia.On a queue for petrol,he noticed that the malays were chin chai n were not as rush as the chinese.When the chinese cut the queue or when the chinesd ask to be on the front,they mostly say ok..so some chinese took the apportunity to cut n be the first,leaving all the malays behind. This is not wrhong.The chinese being naturally on the ball in everything they do get the cake first.
Yes,mahatir used this to justify his NEP,but the reality is there. So some stlll have the feeling that they are left behind . So sometimes,spore also gives them extra assitance in order to help them moves in tandem with the country's deveptment.
Hopefully as they are educated n also progress , we will hear less of thise grumbles as well.
The 1st part i understand the 2nd paragraph, i'm not sure what phrase to describe it perhaps something like knowing helplessness? What you're trying to say in the 2nd paragraph is like the malays feel that their lifestyle is being threatened by the chinese and they have to adopt the chinese way of living which isn't what they are used to and hence they adopt this extremely sensitive type of behavior? Well the chinese didn't take them for a ride and in fact that attitude is wrong.
Suppose let's say i'm the school or the community's champion 100 metre dash runner and complete 100m in 13 secs. All of a sudden someone new comes in one day and defeats me by running in 10 secs can i then actually complain that i need to work harder to try and run less than 10 secs? Obviously not. It's just how the way the world works. Now if sg had oil for eg then nobody would need to work that hard. Chinese ppl are able to mentally overcome hardships to find success and not becos they are unfeeling robots that only care for money which ppl just love to perpetuate.
I feel that giving them too much face isn't the solution. Putting a strong stand and a don't fuck with me attitude will cure this behavior from them.