thanks for the request! next song up:
Thank u for hosting my music videos.
Please do not fall into the TRAP. This IB shit stirrer is going to be shamed when I tell you WHO HE REALLY IS!!!! You will not have to run anymore. Stay on and fight all these shit stirrers!!!
kopisai chwee kong lum par song
na bu eh chee bye .... talk big like sing song .... pua chee bye :oIo:
No I will not be trap and thanks for the waring, been running all these 13 years eluding them many times no worries. But I see you starting this thread so many coiming after your throat what happened to you? what happened to them? what had you done to unite a whole armada against you? and where are your friends? can I be your friend but I don't have any power.
thread full of spams. good job.
something BIG had happened behind locked doors
the big guns and top dogs are ganging up to exterminate kopi
I know my days are numbered
but I have to warn others of the big conspiracy here in this SBF
SDP,WP.NSP,PAP,ISD,CID...whatever you have in Singapore you have it all here
this is a good reflection of our Singapore society
each top guns have their own agenda, their own instructions, their own strategies
I have no enemies here and I also have not much friends
at this point of time, all my friends have abandoned me
I have united ALL THE OPPOSING CAMPS - good for SBF
time to go and die liao kopisai ..time to die liao...hehe
Kopi can I request please do not put me with the others. Please don't get me quarreling with others can?
Anyway very good luck to you and best wishes. About you dying I am sure you are joking only. Go die la