why bloody science can't makes up its bloody minds?
The Universe Is 80 Million Years Older Than We Thought
I even know the protocol for evolving bacteria and virus to make it resistance to antibodies based on human understanding of genetic evolution. only stupid uneducated fuck like you really think evolution cannot be observed.
even for higher organism like drosophila, in which the genetic coding has being fully sequenced, we chemical biologist/chemist/biochemist/biologist via reverse and forward chemical genetic, go an even higher level to purposeful modify the gene coding and observed the phenotype changes. further give evidence to the theory of evolution.
i believe this is not the first time i mentioned this. to counter this argument. stupid fuck like you keep bringing this up very much shows you do not know what i meant. what to do, its not my fault you are born stupid and cannot goes to university seriously.
who needs to run away from a fact. u are the stupid fuck that keep holding to the view that evolution cannot be observed. when this simple fact has being observed in everyday lab. dumb fuck
stupid fuck, you really think everyone here is uneducated like you?
you want to spread your stupidity fuck back to your church and influence your own kind
you mean this you also do not understand how science stands?
are you another dumb fuck?
unlike religion when new experimental facts arises, we accept it, example it and come up with a model for it to predict future events.
if prediction hold most of the time, this hypothesis will stand till new one arises
if prediction hold most of the time, this hypothesis will stand till new one arises
I knew it ! Hahahaha ! What a dumbfuck theory again ! Without fail. Your fruit fly theory again. LOLI tell you lah stupid people will believe in the fucktard thing called Evolution because of that. LOL
That's the MAIN reason why atheists always FAIL to convince everyone about Evo Crap. Only the fruit flies ? What about the rest ? Surely there must be something really visible other than a specie of insect. What about the other insects ?
VOMIT Rojak ! Your lies will fail once more !
A century of fruit fly experiments, involving 3,000 consecutive generations, gives absolutely no basis for believing that any natural or artificial process can cause an increase in complexity and viability. No clear genetic improvement has ever been observed in any form of life, despite the many unnatural efforts to increase mutation rates (a).
a. “Most mutants which arise in any organism are more or less disadvantageous to their possessors. The classical mutants obtained in Drosophila [the fruit fly] usually show deterioration, breakdown, or disappearance of some organs. Mutants are known which diminish the quantity or destroy the pigment in the eyes, and in the body reduce the wings, eyes, bristles, legs. Many mutants are, in fact, lethal to their possessors. Mutants which equal the normal fly in vigor are a minority, and mutants that would make a major improvement of the normal organization in the normal environments are unknown.” Theodosius Dobzhansky, Evolution, Genetics, and Man (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1955), p. 105.
Hello ! That's all you can give ah ? LOLThe dumbest thing ! I will be default for this.
I tell you, atheists will be great for the theists entertainment. LOL![]()
stupid fuck
this was performed to proof between the link of genotype and phenotype. which support the proof that changes in phenotype of an organism is linked to changes in genetic coding. which is the central dogma of evolution.
Mai gong lan jiao way ! Don't have means don't have. Talk so much for fuck !![]()
the deformation observed in phenotype enable us to know this gene affects what. we purposely do it stupid fuck
stupid fuck, if you do not understand the meaning and interpretation behind the experiment, don't make yourself a joke. this is indeed a classic experiment towards the understanding of genetic
Hahahaha ! You have NOTHING now. That will not let you get away from losing !
You STILL have not given any specific advantage to your rubbish.Hahahaha ! Losing again this time. LOL
That is why I have always said that atheists always LOSE big time.
Atheists eat rubbish and talk rubbish = losing all the time.:*:
who is the one having substances here is very easily evident.
who is the one talking cock and who is the one that has real training and knowledge is also very clear.
your lack of understanding of experimental results of the so call fruit flies very much display your stupidity. for you have no idea the meaning behind those data.
yah those mutants die, blind, lack of eye etc
and it holds very important information which further confirm THIS GENES AFFECTS the EYES, LEGS ETC
why certain species have more legs etc which can be linked to expression of certain protein at the developmental stage. that very study which you have no idea how great the impact is enables all these.
stupid fuck, this is the level between you and me, you know shit.
You have PROVE evolution is the GREATEST Lie and Crap. That's what you trying to prove. I win by default here. LOL
The so-called natural selection in evo crap NEVER exist !!
How stupid can you be !![]()
LOL Hahahahahahhahahahaha !!! Wait. I have get others to see this.
ID wins !!!
Theists congrats !!!
your stupidity amazed me. you claim those fact i mentioned as your supporting ground when its shooting at your bloody foot.
this shows that you have zero understanding on the topic
A few bros here already noticed he is good at playing and twisting wordsyour stupidity amazed me. you claim those fact i mentioned as your supporting ground when its shooting at your bloody foot.
this shows that you have zero understanding on the topic